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Messages : 71
Date d'inscription : 27/08/2023

Volume 3 - Règles et procédures de management Empty Volume 3 - Règles et procédures de management

Ven 1 Sep 2023 - 11:10
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris vestibulum dui venenatis nunc scelerisque facilisis. Nullam pulvinar enim vel urna tristique faucibus. Nullam eu mi commodo quam ullamcorper scelerisque sed ac erat. Nunc mollis vehicula odio, id rhoncus urna porttitor quis. Morbi vitae quam sagittis, posuere mauris ac, ultrices est. Pellentesque venenatis venenatis porttitor. Sed sit amet felis orci. Sed faucibus augue in finibus efficitur. Proin mi lorem, maximus imperdiet dignissim in, dapibus ac ipsum. Maecenas quis turpis vitae odio rutrum tempus. Integer et odio in massa consectetur sagittis in vitae leo. Sed suscipit eleifend mi a egestas. Vivamus posuere ex sed mi malesuada, eget convallis augue cursus. Suspendisse at tincidunt tellus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nam finibus posuere rhoncus.

Donec vehicula efficitur tortor vel varius. Cras tellus est, pretium in malesuada quis, faucibus quis est. Maecenas tristique enim quis lorem aliquet, placerat finibus mi fermentum. Suspendisse quis sagittis purus. Morbi venenatis sollicitudin tincidunt. Sed rutrum ipsum finibus, lobortis eros ut, aliquet ligula. Phasellus vestibulum varius urna eget consequat. Curabitur tempus in neque in rhoncus. In ut diam porta, dictum leo at, elementum massa. Donec elementum fringilla nulla, consequat sollicitudin quam posuere finibus. Aenean volutpat pretium cursus. Vestibulum lacinia luctus tortor, vel lobortis est laoreet fermentum. Cras blandit in erat vel sagittis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec nunc aliquet, pellentesque turpis a, auctor metus. Praesent vitae convallis ex.
Messages : 71
Date d'inscription : 27/08/2023

Volume 3 - Règles et procédures de management Empty Re: Volume 3 - Règles et procédures de management

Ven 1 Sep 2023 - 11:35


  • 2/410.00 DÉFINITIONS
    • Le terme « situation » se réfère, à la fois temporellement et géographiquement, à l'ensemble des évènements à l'occasion desquels le département de police intervient.
    • Ces évènements s'inscrivent dans le cadre de la conduite normale du service de police.
    • Les simples situations n'induisent pas l'application des procédures et des politiques contenues dans chapitre.
      Ex : un contrôle routier est une situation.

    • Le terme « incident » se réfère, à la fois temporellement et géographiquement, à l'ensemble des évènements à l'occasion desquels le département de police intervient.
    • Ces évènements s'inscrivent hors du cadre de la conduite normale du service de police en raison d'un anormal et exceptionnel danger.
    • Les incidents induisent l'application des procédures et des politiques du présent chapitre.
      Ex : un suspect barricadé, notamment s'il est armé, représente un incident.


      Chaque employé dispose d'un planning de service où il connait ses heures de début et de fins de service (( matérialisés en jeu par /pduty on, puis off tout simplement )). Néanmoins, en cas de nécessité de renforts, certains types d'employés peuvent être appelés à prendre du service en heures supplémentaires pour intervenir lors d'incidents. L'employé est alors rémunéré pour ces heures supplémentaires.
      • L'officier en charge d'un incident demande au dispatch de biper les employés d'une entité quelconque lorsqu'elle est nécessaire pour la bonne tenue des opérations.
      • L'employé contacté doit, dans la mesure du possible, signaler sa capacité ou non (sous réserve d'un motif impérieux) à répondre à la demande de renforts spécialisés.
      • En cas de réponse positive, l'employé doit reprendre son service au plus tôt et rejoindre l'incident en cours. Une fois l'incident terminé, il n'est plus tenu d'être présent dans le cadre du service courant.
      • Les entités concernées sont les suivantes :
        • La division métropolitaine,
        • La division des enquêteurs de secteurs,
        • Le groupe des affaires internes,
        • La division du trafic routier, incluant l'unité du support aérien.

    • Les incidents suivants sont classifiés comme constituant une menace aux officiers et au public de nature à nécessiter de manière impérative la réponse du peloton D de la division métropolitaine, bureau des opérations spéciales (LSPD Special Weapons and Tactics).
    • Les officiers et les superviseurs sont tenus de prendre attache le plus rapidement possible avec l'équipe SWAT en service à l'instant où l'incident apparaît. S'abstenir de le faire est proscrit.
      [size=85](( Utilisez le pager discord ))[/size]
    • Les alertes préventives sont autorisées à condition qu'elles soient raisonnablement fondées.
      • Suspect barricadé
        Un suspect est considéré comme barricadé lorsqu'il complète les critères cumulatifs suivants :
        1 — Le suspect trouve refuge dans une position davantage en se trouvant dans un bâtiment.
        2 — Le suspect refuse de se rendre par lui-même, peu importe si sa reddition ait été demandée.
        3 — Le suspect constitue une menace aux officiers et au public : il doit être arrêté pour un/des crime(s) OU il est manifestement probable qu'il se montre agressif si des officiers pénètrent dans le bâtiment pour l'arrêter.

      • Mandat à haut risque
        Un mandat est classifié comme étant à haut risque lorsqu'un seul (au moins) des critères suivants est relevé :
        1 — Il existe une réelle propension au recours à la violence par la personne qui doit être arrêtée par application d'un mandat d'arrêt. Cela est notamment le cas si la personne est connue pour être armée, est connue pour déjà avoir été arrêtée pour des délits/des crimes violents ou est considérée comme faisant parti d'une organisation criminelle violente. Cela ne signifie pas forcément que le suspect doit être arrêté pour des charges criminelles : ce critère est constitué indépendamment des charges retenues.
        2 — Le mandat de fouille concerne un bâtiment sciemment fortifié ou un bâtiment sérieusement difficile d'accès sans pour autant qu'il n'ai été sciemment fortifié.
        3 — L'application du mandat d'arrêt ou de fouille fait courir un risque que des preuves majeures soient détruites par les suspects ou par des complices à l'instant de l'exécution dudit mandat.

      • Prise d'otage
        Une prise d'otage est constituée lorsqu'une personne est vraisemblablement retenue contre son propre gré par une autre personne qui la menace activement avec une arme. Ce critère est rempli même s'il existe de sérieux doutes que l'otage soit en réalité complice avec le preneur d'otage.

      • Action immédiate — Déploiement rapide (IARD)
        L'action immédiate suivi du déploiement rapide (Immediate Action/Rapid Deployment) est une tactique employée par le LSPD SWAT qui consiste à confronter rapidement et violemment une menace anormale afin d'y mettre un terme dans le délai le plus court possible. Les incidents suivants sont classifiés comme nécessitant une réponse IARD :
        1 — Tireurs actifs.
        2 — Contre-terrorisme.
        3 — Suspects suicidaires et armés.

      • Recherche d'évadés
        Les évasions concernent des suspects [size=85]((connectés))[/size] qui sont parvenus à s'échapper de détention. Il ne s'agit pas nécessairement de suspects dangereux et la dangerosité de ces suspects est présumée par leur forte propension à vouloir regagner leur liberté.

      • Émeutes
        Les émeutes nécessitent l'intervention de la division métropolitaine. Il s'agit de rassemblements de nature à limiter l'action des officiers de police et au cours desquels plusieurs personnes commettent des délits/des crimes.

    • Un commandant d'incident peut être désigné à l'occasion des incidents. Il est tenu de réaliser un rapport d'incident à l'issue de l'incident qu'il a à sa charge.
      • Le commandant d'incident est le commandant des patrouilles (ou un assistant) s'il est en service.
      • En l'absence du commandant des patrouilles (ou un assistant), le commandant d'incident est un superviseur des patrouilles.
      • Si plusieurs superviseurs des patrouilles sont en service, ces derniers sont tenus de s'entendre pour désigner celui qui assurera cette fonction.
      • En l'absence des superviseurs des patrouilles, n'importe quel détenteur du grade (peu importe la position) de sergent, de lieutenant ou de capitaine est en mesure d'assurer cette fonction.

    • Le commandant d'incident, une fois désigné, s'annonce auprès du dispatch en ces termes :
      « [Grade] [Numéro de badge]. J'assurerai le commandement sur l'incident [Numéro], à [Lieu]. »
      (( Le numéro de l'incident est l'ID du 911. Si ce n'est pas un appel 911, inventez un numéro. ))
      Ex : un suspect barricadé, notamment s'il est armé, représente un incident.

    • Le poste de commandement mobile n°2 doit être déployé sur les lieux des incidents toutes les fois où cela est possible. Le véhicule est en mesure d'être apporté sur les lieux des incidents par n'importe quel personnels.
    • Le commandant d'incident doit rester au poste de commandement mobile et ne doit le quitter qu'en cas d'extrême urgence.
    • Le poste de commandement mobile n°1 (SWAT) est exclusivement déployé sur décision interne à la division métropolitaine. Sur un incident, il n'accueille que l'équipe tactique (voir infra).

    • Le commandant d'incident, à l'échelle de l'incident, est le seul à pouvoir donner des instructions à :
      • L'équipe tactique.
      • L'équipe de périmètre.
      • L'équipe de négociation.

    • Le commandant d'incident dispose d'un pouvoir hiérarchique absolu au cours de l'incident sur l'ensemble des personnels sur place, à l'exception près des officiers de direction s'ils sont sur les lieux.
    • Les détenteurs de grades supérieurs au commandant d'incident ne peuvent pas contredire ses instructions et/ou lui donner des instructions. Seuls les officiers de direction (chef, chef-assistant et chef-adjoint) sont en mesure de le faire.
    • Le commandant d'incident ne change jamais au cours de l'incident, à moins que celui-ci ne soit incapable de poursuivre sa mission en raison de graves blessures ou en raison de son décès.

    • Le commandant tactique est désigné selon les normes internes de la division métropolitaine.
    • Le commandant tactique développe, au besoin, une ou plusieurs solution(s) tactique(s) pour le compte du commandant d'incident.
    • Le rôle ultime du commandant tactique est d'exécuter la solution tactique choisie par le commandant d'incident pour son compte et par l'emploi de l'équipe tactique, dont il assure le commandement.
    • En l'absence de la division métropolitaine, le commandement tactique est directement assuré par le commandant d'incident.

  • 2/480.00 ÉQUIPE TACTIQUE
    • L'équipe tactique est commandée selon les normes définies en interne à la division métropolitaine.
      • L'exercice du commandement, au cours de l'incident, vise à organiser l'action de l'équipe tactique.
      • L'exercice du commandement ne peut pas consister à concevoir une autre solution tactique que celle déterminée par le commandant d'incident.

    • L'équipe tactique est en charge de réaliser le plan d'action déterminé par le commandant d'incident.
    • L'équipe tactique ne doit pas être employée à sécuriser le périmètre, à moins que la situation ne le commande réellement.
    • L'équipe tactique est composée de l'ensemble des officiers sur place assignés à la division métropolitaine.

    • L'équipe de périmètre est composée de l'ensemble du personnel sur place, à l'exception du commandant d'incident, du commandant tactique, des officiers de direction et de l'équipe tactique.
    • L'équipe de périmètre a pour rôle de protéger les lieux de l'incident. Elle peut être commandée par un ou plusieurs personnel(s) au moins détenteur(s) du grade de sergent sur décision du commandant d'incident.

Messages : 71
Date d'inscription : 27/08/2023

Volume 3 - Règles et procédures de management Empty Re: Volume 3 - Règles et procédures de management

Ven 1 Sep 2023 - 11:35
105. SUPERVISORY TERMINOLOGY. The following terminology shall be used in describing the levels of
supervision within the Department:
• "Staff Officer" shall be used to describe an officer above the rank of captain;
• "Commanding Officer" shall be used to describe an employee in charge of a bureau, a group, an Area, or
a division of the Department;
• "Director" shall be used to describe a commanding officer of an Office;
• "Field Commander" shall be used to describe an officer who takes command of an emergency situation
or who is in command of field details at planned special events. A field commander may establish a field
command post;
• "Watch Commander" shall be used to describe an employee having charge of a specific watch in a
division or geographic Area;
• "Supervisor" shall be used to describe an employee engaged in field supervision or in general
supervision of a section or unit; and,
• "Officer in Charge" shall be used to describe an officer having charge of a section or unit.
108.20 THE DEPARTMENT COMMAND POST. The Office of the Chief of Police is the Department
Command Post. When the Office of the Chief of Police is closed, the Department Command Post is Department
Operations Center (DOC).
108.40 FIELD COMMAND POST. A Field Command Post is a location established by a field commander for
the purpose of:
• Directing operations in the field during emergency incidents;
• Collecting information pertinent to the incident and relaying it to the Department Operations Center;
• Requesting emergency personnel, equipment, and supplies from the Department Operations Center to
assist the field forces;
• Requesting assistance from other agencies when needed through the Department Operations Center, to
assist the field forces; and,
• Directing operations in the field at planned special events.
108.50 FIELD COMMAND POST DIVISION. During a serious or major unusual occurrence, the Chief of
Police, or his/her representatives, or the Commanding Officer, Emergency Services Division, may activate the
Field Command Post Division as a temporary division to direct operations in the field. The Area Field
Command Post Cadre shall staff a field command post until relieved, by personnel assigned to the Field
Command Post Division.
108.60 DEPARTMENT OPERATIONS CENTER. During a major or serious unusual occurrence, upon
direction of the Department Commander, the Department Operations Center shall be activated as a temporary
division. It shall be concerned with the following:
• Coordinating the Department's emergency control activities;
• Collecting and disseminating information from the Field Command Post, hospitals, and other concerned
• Determining the needs for, and providing, emergency personnel, equipment, and supplies to the Field
Commander and the field forces;
• Maintaining chronological logs, situation maps, and situation reports; and,
• Completing necessary reports regarding the emergency incident and preparing a final report for
submission to the Chief of Police.
Deactivation of the Department Operations Center (DOC) for purposes of the City's Emergency Operations
Organization (EOO), shall be at the direction of the EOO. Deactivation for Department purposes remains with
the Department Comman
Messages : 71
Date d'inscription : 27/08/2023

Volume 3 - Règles et procédures de management Empty Re: Volume 3 - Règles et procédures de management

Ven 1 Sep 2023 - 11:35
110.20 OFFICER OF SENIOR RANK ASSUMING COMMAND. An officer of senior rank may take
command of a situation by identifying himself/herself and informing the officer then in charge of his or her
intent. Such assumption of command shall be undertaken whenever the situation appears to the senior officer to
be beyond the control of the officer then in charge, when jurisdiction is concurrent over a particular duty, or for
disciplinary purposes.
officer of equal or junior rank or paygrade may take command by identifying himself or herself and informing
the officer then in charge of his or her intent. Such assumption of command shall only be undertaken when the
officer then in command is unable, because of physical or mental inability, to perform his or her duties. An
officer, regardless of rank or paygrade, shall assume command of a situation when so instructed by an officer of
superior rank or paygrade then in command. An officer placed in command of an operation shall maintain that
responsibility until relieved by competent authority.
115. RECOGNITION OF COMMAND. In the normal performance of routine duties, or at the scene of a
police problem, employees shall recognize and respect the position of the officer in charge by effectively and
efficiently carrying out all lawful orders that may be issued by the commanding authority.
120. BREVET RANKS PROHIBITED. Brevet (acting) ranks shall not be used to designate the officers
discharging the functions and duties of the various levels of supervision of the Department. An officer,
regardless of the level of supervision to which he or she is assigned, shall be described by his/her Civil Service
rank, indicating the acting position held.
Example: Lieutenant John Doe, Acting Commanding Officer.
125. SENIOR OFFICER - DETERMINATION. The senior officer at a police incident shall be determined
by rank, then by paygrade assignment within rank, then by seniority within paygrade assignment within rank.
Note: The rank of detective is of a specialized-nature and shall normally be considered separate from line
command. When an incident is the result of investigative activity, when an incident has reached the stage where
the remaining functions are investigative in nature, or when the concerned detective or specialized unit desires to
take over the investigation and complete the necessary reports, the senior concerned detective shall be in
A senior officer assuming command shall do so by identifying himself or herself and informing the officer then
in command.
130. SENIORITY - CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES. Seniority of civilian employees shall be determined in the
following order:
Civil Service Classification. In accordance with the Civil Service rating, whereby one position is classified as
being higher in grade than another.
Length of Service. By length of continuous service in the classification.
By Designation. When designated as being in charge of a particular situation or group by competent authority.
135. LINE SUPERVISION - DEFINED. A supervisor who has the specific responsibility of issuing directions
and orders to designated subordinates shall be considered as having the duty of line supervisor and shall be held
accountable for achieving conformance with the directions and orders that he/she issues.
140. FUNCTIONAL SUPERVISION - DEFINED. Functional supervision is the temporary supervision of
employees not normally under the command of one designated to furnish specialized or technical knowledge
necessary to the accomplishment of Department objectives.
150. GENERAL SUPERVISORY DUTIES. A supervisor shall be responsible for the performance of general
supervisory duties (Manual Sections 3/152, 3/154, and 3/156), in addition to having the technical skills and
knowledge necessary to the performance of the duties particular to his/her specific assignment.
152. SUPERVISORY PLANNING. A supervisor shall initiate, or receive and consider, proposals for changes
in policy affecting activities within the scope of his or her jurisdiction.
A supervisor shall be familiar with the contents of Department manuals, procedural orders and instructions,
directives, teletypes, and Police Bulletins, and shall disseminate such information to his/her subordinates.
Information shall be disseminated in such a manner as to achieve Department objectives.
152.40 ORGANIZATION OF ACTIVITIES - SUPERVISORS. Supervisors shall organize their own work
and that of their subordinates to insure the adoption and practice of the best principles and procedures to meet
current, unusual, and changing conditions.
152.60 KNOWLEDGE OF OTHER SUPERVISORY POSITIONS. A supervisor shall acquaint
himself/herself with the duties and responsibility of other supervisory positions which, in the normal course of
operations, he/she may have to discharge.
SUPERVISORS. A supervisor shall be familiar with the role of the Department and with his/her own
responsibility and duties, and shall maintain plans for his/her activities in the event of a major disaster or the
activation of the Emergency Operations Organization Plans.
154.20 DELEGATION OF DUTIES. Supervisors may delegate to their subordinates appropriate portions of
their responsibilities, together with equivalent authority; but they may not delegate or relinquish their overall
responsibility for results nor any portion of their accountability.
154.40 DIRECTION OF SUBORDINATES. A supervisor shall exercise the control over his or her
subordinates necessary to the accomplishment of Department objectives. He or she shall analyze and evaluate
the personality, temperament, traits, and capabilities of each subordinate in order to realize from every employee
the maximum degree of service commensurate with his or her abilities and limitations.
154.60 TRAINING OF SUBORDINATES. Training shall be considered the process of aiding employees to
gain effectiveness in their present or future assignments through the development of appropriate habits of
thought, action, skill, knowledge, and attitude. Emphasis shall be placed on respect for the personality and
human dignity of each employee, in order to allow maximum development of his/her natural capacity.
154.80 GUIDANCE OF SUBORDINATES. A supervisor shall take a personal interest in the welfare and
problems of subordinates and shall make himself or herself available to employees seeking guidance and
counseling. The supervisor shall give appropriate advice and personal instructions to immediate subordinates for
the development of administrative and supervisory skills.
156.20 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION. A supervisor shall be responsible for the appraisal and analysis of
the work accomplishment of subordinates coming within the scope of his/her supervision. Such evaluation shall
be based on continuous observation and inspection and shall take into consideration the quality of the
employee's work accomplishment and those personal traits that are related to his or her duty performance.
Commanding officers shall ensure that supervisory personnel provide a Training Evaluation and Management
Systems II (TEAMS II) summary report to each employee in conjunction with the service of the employee’s
annual (post-probationary) performance evaluation report.
156.40 SUPERVISORY REPORTS. Supervisory reports shall be made in a prompt and effective manner. All
pertinent facts shall be incorporated, and the welfare of the Department shall be of primary consideration.
Supervisors shall reflect the feelings of subordinates to supervisors by permitting information to flow up, as well
as down, the channels of authority.
156.60 TECHNIQUES OF SUPERVISION. A supervisor must frequently command the actions of
subordinates by orders and directions in order to carry out proper police operations. This must be done forcefully
and effectively and is essential to the control of the most critical police situations. A supervisor shall make use
of positive disciplinary techniques, such as the following, to promote satisfactory supervisor-subordinate
Inspiration. The ideals and objectives of public service in the police field shall be developed and exemplified
by the conduct and actions of supervisory members of the Department.
Explanation. Department policies and objectives shall be presented to the employee by means of reasoned
consideration of issues. Supervisors shall adopt an attitude of guiding employees by sound logic and clear
thinking, rather than by arbitrary orders and commands and shall strive for willing response and cooperation
from subordinates.
Encouragement. Supervisors shall be aware that recognition of good work is an indispensable need in the
employee's relationship with the Department and shall make certain that meritorious acts and accomplishments
are rewarded, either by personal encouragement and praise, or by formal comm
Messages : 71
Date d'inscription : 27/08/2023

Volume 3 - Règles et procédures de management Empty Re: Volume 3 - Règles et procédures de management

Ven 1 Sep 2023 - 11:36
the point system lies in the following four levels of preventable traffic collisions:
Level One Collision.
• Disregard for safety, not an issue; and,
• Complained of injuries or no injuries.
Level Two Collision.
• Disregard for safety, not an issue; and,
• Traffic collisions with visible injuries not amounting to "A" or "K."
Level Three Collision. A Level Three Collision involves any of the following:
• Unauthorized Code Three;
• Unsafe speed for conditions;
• Failure to yield/stop; and/or,
• Other unsafe driving.
Messages : 71
Date d'inscription : 27/08/2023

Volume 3 - Règles et procédures de management Empty Re: Volume 3 - Règles et procédures de management

Ven 1 Sep 2023 - 11:37


  • Chaque personnel dispose de l'autorité hiérarchique sur ses subordonnés ; la subordination dépend, ainsi, de la position des grades dans la structure hiérarchique. Des tempéraments à ce principe, cependant, existent. L'autorité hiérarchique désigne simplement la capacité d'émettre des ordres.
    • Le donneur d'ordre exerce cette autorité dans le seul but de permettre au Département et à ses subalternes d'accomplir la mission leur étant confiée en assurant leur formation, leur organisation et leur coordination.
    • L'autorité est investie du pouvoir hiérarchique au seul bénéfice de la Loi, du LSPD et donc de la Société. Tout agent exerçant une autorité le fait avec discernement, justesse, impartialité et probité.
    • L'autorité hiérarchique doit veiller à ce que ses ordres soient légitimes, intelligibles et réalisables, à cet effet l'autorité assure la formation de ses subalternes.
    • L'autorité hiérarchique supérieure peut donner ordres et consignes, modifier, réformer ou supprimer les décisions prises par ses subalternes, prendre en ses lieux et places toutes les décisions qu'ils peuvent prendre, préciser et adapter des mesures d'ordre plus général. De ce fait, l'officier commandant de bureau ou le responsable d'une division peut restreindre certaines prérogatives des agents afin d'adapter le règlement au mode de fonctionnement de son bureau, de sa division.
    • L'autorité hiérarchique est investie de pouvoirs en contrepartie desquels il doit au Département et à ses subalternes franchise, dignité, discernement, investissement, probité. Elle assume la responsabilité des ordres donnés, y-compris et surtout lorsque ceux-ci sont suivis d'un échec.

[list][*]En fonction du grade qu'il occupe et de son assignation, un employé dispose de devoirs mais aussi de droits qu'il peut exercer avec discernement.

Par grade

Chef de la police
  • Dispose de toutes les responsabilités en tant que chef administratif du département;
  • Peut modifier les règles internes et les procédures du département;
  • Peut recruter des personnels civils au sein du département;
  • Peut promouvoir un employé de n'importe quel grade à n'importe quel grade;
  • Peut rétrograder un employé de n'importe quel grade à n'importe quel grade;
  • Peut licencier un employé de n'importe quel grade, dans le strict respect des lois de l'État;
  • Peut suspendre un employé de n'importe quel grade pour une durée indéfinie;
  • Peut diriger les relations du département vis-à-vis du gouvernement et des agences.
  • Peut utiliser une tenue civile avec discernement dans le cadre de ses fonctions.
  • (( Peut disposer d'un double personnage de tout grade ))

  • Occupe la fonction de chef de cabinet et dirige par conséquent le bureau du chef;
  • Dirige le département en cas d'absence étendue du chef de la police;
  • Peut utiliser une tenue civile avec discernement dans le cadre de ses fonctions.
  • (( Peut disposer d'un double personnage du grade maximal de sergent II sur accord du chef de la police ))

Chef-adjoint & Administrateur de police III
  • Est assigné à la charge d'un bureau du département qu'il dirige et contrôle selon les limites prévues par le manuel de police en tant qu'officier commandant de bureau;
  • Peut se déployer en tant qu'unité STAFF pour les besoins administratifs ou politiques qui lui incombent sa fonction.
  • Peut répondre à une demande d'interview de la presse avec l'accord du bureau du chef;
  • Peut recruter ou licencier une personne de son bureau;
  • Peut promouvoir un employé jusqu'au grade d'officier III+1.
  • Peut promouvoir un inspecteur de police jusqu'au grade d'inspecteur III si son bureau est pourvu d'une division d'investigation.
  • Peut accorder des véhicules de fonction selon les conditions prévues par le manuel.
  • Peut émettre une procédure disciplinaire ordinaire à un employé du grade de commandant et inférieur;
  • Peut utiliser une tenue civile avec discernement dans le cadre de ses fonctions.
  • (( Peut disposer d'un double personnage du grade maximal de sergent II sur accord du chef de la police ))

  • Est assigné à la charge ou assiste à la gestion d'un bureau du département qu'il dirige et contrôle selon les limites prévues par le manuel de police et de son supérieur hiérarchique direct en tant qu'officier commandant de bureau, officier commandant de bureau suppléant ou assistant officier commandant de bureau;
  • Peut se déployer en tant qu'unité STAFF pour les besoins administratifs ou politiques qui lui incombent sa fonction.
  • Peut répondre à une demande d'interview de la presse avec l'accord du bureau du chef;
  • Peut recruter ou licencier une personne de son bureau;
  • Peut promouvoir un employé jusqu'au grade d'officier III+1.
  • Peut promouvoir un inspecteur de police jusqu'au grade d'inspecteur III si son bureau est pourvu d'une division d'investigation.
  • Peut promouvoir un employé jusqu'au grade de lieutenant II avec l'accord du chef de la police au préalable;
  • Peut accorder des véhicules de fonction selon les conditions prévues par le manuel.
  • Peut émettre une procédure disciplinaire ordinaire à un employé du grade de capitaine III et inférieur;
  • Peut utiliser une tenue civile avec discernement dans le cadre de ses fonctions.
  • (( Peut disposer d'un double personnage du grade maximal de sergent I sur accord du chef de la police ))

Capitaine I / II / III & Administrateur de police II
  • Est assigné à la charge d'une division d'un secteur de patrouille ou d'un groupe du département en tant qu'officier commandant de division / de secteur / de groupe.
  • Peut promouvoir un employé jusqu'au grade d'officier III+1 s'il dirige d'une division d'investigation ou de patrouille.
  • Peut promouvoir un inspecteur de police jusqu'au grade d'inspecteur III s'il dirige d'une division d'investigation ou de patrouille.
  • Peut promouvoir un employé jusqu'au grade de lieutenant II avec l'accord du chef de la police au préalable;
  • Peut répondre à une demande d'interview de la presse avec l'accord du bureau du chef;
  • Peut émettre une procédure disciplinaire ordinaire à un employé du grade de lieutenant II et inférieur;
  • Peut écarter une personne de sa division. En cas de changement de grade nécessaire pour l'employé sanctionné, il se réfère à son officier commandant de bureau;
  • Peut utiliser une tenue civile avec discernement dans le cadre de ses fonctions.
  • (( Peut disposer d'un double personnage du grade maximal de sergent I sur accord du chef de la police ))

Lieutenant I / II
  • Est assigné ou assiste à la charge d'une division, d'un secteur de patrouille ou d'un groupe du département en tant qu'(assistant / suppléant) officier commandant de division / secteur / de groupe;
  • Peut mettre en place des DUI Checkpoint si affecté à un secteur géographique;
  • Peut promouvoir un employé jusqu'au grade d'officier III+1 s'il dirige d'une division d'investigation ou de patrouille, dans le cas contraire avec l'accord de son capitaine;
  • Peut promouvoir un inspecteur de police jusqu'au grade d'inspecteur III s'il dirige d'une division d'investigation ou de patrouillele, dans le cas contraire avec l'accord de son capitaine;
  • Peut répondre à une demande d'interview de la presse avec l'accord du bureau du chef;
  • Peut émettre une procédure disciplinaire ordinaire à un employé du grade de sergent II et inférieur;
  • Peut écarter une personne de sa division. En cas de changement de grade nécessaire pour l'employé sanctionné, il se réfère à son officier commandant de bureau;
  • Peut utiliser une tenue civile avec discernement dans le cadre de ses fonctions;
  • Peut assurer le rôle de commandant de patrouilles si sa position lui permet.
  • (( Peut disposer d'un double personnage du grade maximal d'officier III+1 / inspecteur II sur accord du chef de la police ))

Sergent II
  • Est équivalent au grade d'inspecteur III;
  • Peut assumer le rôle d'assistant commandant des patrouilles si son affectation lui permet;
  • Peut être assigné ou assister à la charge d'une division ou d'un groupe du département en tant que (suppléant/assistant) officier commandant de division / de groupe;
  • Peut émettre une procédure disciplinaire ordinaire à un employé du grade d'officier III+ et inférieur.

Inspecteur III
  • Est équivalent au grade de sergent II;
  • Peut être assigné ou assister à la charge d'une division ou d'un groupe d'investigation du département en tant que (suppléant/assistant) officier commandant de division / de groupe;
  • Peut émettre une procédure disciplinaire ordinaire à un employé du grade d'inspecteur II et inférieur.

Sergent I & Administrateur de police I
  • Est équivalent au grade d'inspecteur II;
  • Peut être assigné ou assister à la charge d'une division ou d'un groupe du département en tant que (suppléant/assistant) officier commandant de division / de groupe;
  • Peut émettre une procédure disciplinaire ordinaire à un employé du grade d'officier III+1 et inférieur;
  • Peut superviser les patrouilles si son affectation lui permet;
  • Peut réguler les patrouilles, ordonner l'arrêt ou le début de déploiement d'unités de terrain toute division confondue;
  • Peut demander l'usage de la force létale si nécessaire;
  • Peut ordonner le déploiement de véhicules exceptionnels comme les bateaux du département;
  • Peut autoriser ou révoquer un ride-along;
  • Peut revoir les saisies de ses subordonnées sur le MDC;
  • Peut autoriser ou refuser un rapport d'incident;
  • Est membre du programme de formation de terrain s'il est affecté à une division de patrouilles.

Inspecteur II
  • Est équivalent au grade de sergent I;
  • Peut être assigné ou assister à la charge d'une division ou d'un groupe d'investigation du département en tant que (suppléant/assistant) officier commandant de division / de groupe;
  • Peut émettre une procédure disciplinaire ordinaire à un employé du grade d'inspecteur I et inférieur.

Inspecteur I
  • Est un inspecteur de police (évaluation requise pour promotion) et est membre d'une division ou d'un groupe d'investigation du département;
  • Peut coordonner une opération en lien avec son enquête;
  • Est responsable de la gestion des scènes de crime, ce qui lui donne autorité sur les employés sur place pour ce qui est en lien avec ladite scène de crime;
  • Peut revêtir une tenue civile et utiliser la flotte automobile civile dans le strict respect des politiques du département.

Officier III+1
  • Peut devenir Senior Lead Officer.
  • Peut être en charge d'une unité au sein d'une division ou d'un groupe du département en tant qu'officier-en-charge;
  • Est membre du programme de formation de terrain s'il est affecté au sein d'une division de patrouilles.

Officier III
  • Est un officier de police chevronné;
  • Est membre du programme de formation de terrain. Doit alors prendre en charge les officiers probatoires comme le prévoit sa fonction et réaliser leur patrouille finale.
  • Exerce une autorité hiérarchique sur les officiers probatoires, mais pas sur les officiers de deuxième échelon.

Officier II
  • Peut se déployer seul ou en Adam selon les préceptes du manuel de police;
  • Peut utiliser le fusil de police urbain et le fusil beanbag;
  • Peut conduire un ride-along avec l'accord d'un superviseur des patrouilles;
  • Peut utiliser les véhicules exceptionnels du département sur autorisation du superviseur des patrouilles;
  • Peut émettre une amende ou demander un mandat;
  • Peut rejoindre une division.

Officier I
  • Est un officier probatoire (évaluation requise pour promotion);
  • Peut se déployer seul s'il est en seconde phase et s'il n'y a pas d'officier formateur en service;
  • Peut arrêter une personne s'il en dispose la cause probable;
  • Peut émettre une amende avec la permission de son officier-formateur;
  • Doit porter l'uniforme de police dans le strict respect des politiques du département.

    3/120.00 ORDRE

    • L'agent hiérarchiquement supérieur (soit du fait de son grade, soit du fait de sa fonction) peut délivrer les ordres rendus nécessaires et légitimes du fait de la mission à accomplir. Il les rend en respectant le règlement et dans l'intérêt de la Loi.
      • Les destinataires de l'ordre doivent y donner pleine exécution avec discernement, diligence et probité, dans le respect des Lois et des normes applicables. Ils font appliquer les ordres reçus avec discernement et intelligence, exécutant les consignes en y apportant les adaptations nécessaires et légitimes afin de correspondre au mieux à leur esprit et leur visée.
      • Sauf lorsque les circonstances le rendent inopportun, l'autorité explique les motivations de ses ordres et recherche l'adhésion et la confiance de ses subalternes. Les subalternes, réciproquement, accordent écoute, respect et confiance à leurs chefs, mettant en exécution leurs consignes sans les remettre en cause publiquement et sans demander de justification inutile ou inopportunes au regard des circonstances.
      • Lorsque cela est conforme aux ordres et aux normes applicables, l'autorité chargée de l'exécution ou de la mise à exécution d'un ordre le décline et l'adapte au mieux, sans en bafouer l'esprit et fait preuve de discernement en vue de donner pleine exécution à l'idée poursuivie par cet ordre. Le donneur d'ordre veille donc à limiter les lacunes ou imprécisions dans ses ordres et apporte les réponses utiles.

    3/130.00 ORDRE ILLÉGAL

    • Nul n'obéit à un ordre qu'il sait illicite. L'agent qui invoque cette disposition signale son refus d'obéir à l'autorité donneuse d'ordre en se justifiant. Cette autorité peut alors clarifier son ordre. L'agent qui malgré les justifications apportées ou l'injonction d'obéir persiste dans sa désobéissance au titre de cette disposition doit, dans les plus brefs délais, écrire au bureau du chef et aux affaires internes pour signaler les faits.
      • L'autorité qui délivre un ordre illégal est responsable des conséquences qui en découlent. Celle qui crée le climat d'impunité, d'absence de contrôle et de formation, propice à l'abus, en est pareillement responsable.


    • Il existe au sein du département certains régimes d'autorité hiérarchique spécifique dérogeant aux normes standards.
      • Le personnel des affaires internes, dans la conduite de ses missions, se voit délégué l'autorité du bureau du chef. Il dispose donc d'une autorité hiérarchique opposable à tout membre du personnel de terrain, des inspecteurs de police, des officiers de supervision ainsi que des officiers de commandement.
      • Sans considération du grade, chaque membre d'une division répond à la hiérarchie interne de la division dont il est membre dans le cadre de l'exercice des prérogatives rattachées à ladite division.
      • Sans considération du grade, un inspecteur de police dispose d'une autorité hiérarchique opposable à l'ensemble des membres du personnel de terrain et des officiers de supervision présents à l'occasion d'une opération de police qu'il conduit dans le cadre d'un dossier d'investigation.


    • A l'exception des formateurs avec leurs probatoires, les membres du personnel de terrain ne disposent pas d'une autorité hiérarchique opposable les uns envers les autres.


    • Les agents rendent compte à l'autorité concernée. Sauf à ce que le discernement le rende nécessaire, les agents s'adressent à leur autorité hiérarchique qui fait remonter l'information au niveau supérieur si cela s'avère pertinent.
      • L'agent ne s'adresse donc pas immédiatement à une autorité d'un trop haut niveau hiérarchique, l'information doit remonter naturellement le cheminement de la chaîne hiérarchique.


    • Aux supérieurs et sauf autorisations particulières, les agents s'adressent avec courtoisie et en les vouvoyant.
      • Aux agents du grade de capitaine au moins et sauf autorisations particulières, les subalternes s'adressent avec déférence.
      • Le garde à vous est le salut militaire est de mise lors d'une convocation par un officier de direction, lors des cérémonies, des réunions, des inspections, des enterrements et autre événements officiels.


    Les officiers commandants de bureau sont garants du respect des procédures de manière générale et des lois en vigueur par les membres de son entité et s'assurent que ses effectifs sont en adéquation avec ce principe et de la qualité du travail fourni par ces derniers. Il réalise alors des inspections, que ça soit de son bureau de façon générale, ou d'une division en particulier.
    • Seul un officier commandant de bureau peut réaliser une inspection en qualité, sauf en cas de délégation.
    • Une inspection peut se faire sous différents formats : par un audit des divisions, par une inspection physique des locaux, du matériel ou de ses employés en intervention.
    • Le bureau du chef, ou par délégation le groupe des affaires internes, peut réaliser une inspection d'un bureau ou de l'une de ses entités d'initiative.
    • En cas d'inspection de personnels, les employés sont alignés du grade le plus élevé ou moins élevé, leur équipement (incluant leur uniforme) est analysé par l'officier commandant de bureau, qui rend compte à l'officier commandant de division des dysfonctionnements à ce niveau.
    • L'officier commandant de l'entité inspectée tient compte des remontées qui lui sont faites et veille impérativement à ce que les dysfonctionnements soient réglés. Dans le cas contraire, sa responsabilité est engagée.


      La titularisation ne signe pas la fin de la montée en compétence de l'employé. Ce dernier doit veiller à consolider ses acquis voir à corriger ses imperfections pour garantir la qualité du service courant dans ses interventions quotidiennes.
      • Les officiers commandant de bureaux et de divisions peuvent mener des entraînements à l'échelle de leurs structures, selon les modalités qu'ils désirent.
      • La division du recrutement et de l'entraînement est chargée de mener des entraînements sur des thèmes précis à l'échelle des effectifs des divisions de patrouilles du département.
        • Les officiers probatoires sont obligés de se soumettre à ces entraînements, sauf motifs impérieux.
        • L'officier commandant de secteur ou celui du bureau des opérations spéciales peut obliger à ses effectifs ou une partie de ces derniers à se soumettre aux entraînements.
        • L'officier en charge de l'entraînement est tenu de réaliser un compte-rendu à l'officier commandant de l'affectation principale des employés ayant participer à la session.
        • L'officier commandant de la division du recrutement de l'entraînement peut émettre, à titre exceptionnel, une recommandation aux employés ayant participation à un entraînement.





    3/210.00 COMMANDANTS DES PATROUILLES [size=85](Watch Commander)[/size]

    • Les lieutenants des divisions des patrouilles qui détiennent cette position se déploient en assurant la fonction de commandants des patrouilles. Cela ne concerne pas les lieutenants des divisions du trafic routier, qui disposent d'autres compétences (restreintes à leurs unités).
      • Les commandants des patrouilles sont tenus de surveiller les charges qui sont retenues par les patrouilleurs contre les suspects. Ils procèdent aux rectifications nécessaires sur le terrain et vérifient les rapports d'arrestation.
      • Les commandants des patrouilles se chargent de contrôler la qualité du travail des superviseurs des patrouilles. Ils pallient leurs défaillances si cela est nécessaire.
      • Les commandants des patrouilles sont compétents pour occuper la charge de commandants d'incidents lorsqu'il subsiste une situation de crise. Ils délèguent cette tâche aux superviseurs des patrouilles s'ils sont absents.
      • Les commandants des patrouilles sont seuls compétents pour communiquer avec la presse et les médias lorsqu'ils sont en service.
      • Ils se chargent du traitement des rapports numériques rédigés par les officiers à titre subsidiaire ; autrement dit, seulement si les superviseurs des patrouilles ne s'en sont pas chargés.
      • Ces missions s'exercent à l'égard de toutes les unités déployées sur le terrain, même celles qui sont spécialisées, à l'exception du groupe des affaires internes et de la direction.

    3/220.00 SUPERVISEURS DES PATROUILLES [size=85](Watch Supervisor)[/size]

    • Les sergents affectés à des stations des patrouilles qui détiennent cette position se déploient en assurant la fonction de superviseurs des patrouilles.
      • Les superviseurs des patrouilles sont les agents ayant pour tâche de coordonner sur le terrain l'ensemble des unités du LSPD. Ils commandent tous les effectifs, de tous les bureaux, pour ce qui est de leur emploi opérationnel immédiat.
      • Les superviseurs des patrouilles sont chargés de veiller au respect des politiques du département de police en matière d'usage de la force (létale comme non létale). Ils se portent sur les lieux où la force a été employée pour faire la lumière sur ce qu'il s'est passé et pour rendre compte aux commandants des patrouilles.
      • Ils veillent au respect des procédures et des politiques du département de police par le personnel en se portant sur les lieux où ils sont requis à cet effet.
      • Ils réalisent des briefings au début des patrouilles au cours desquels ils orientent le travail de leurs subordonnés.
      • Ils assurent le rôle de commandants d'incident en l'absence des commandants des patrouilles.
      • Ils s'assurent que les demandes des services amis reçoivent une réponse appropriée et prompte (notamment les demandes radio).
      • Ces missions s'exercent à l'égard de toutes les unités déployées sur le terrain, même celles qui sont spécialisées, à l'exception du groupe des affaires internes, de la direction et des inspecteurs de police qui sont en investigation.


    • Un dispositif est l'association de plusieurs patrouilles pour une action conjointe. Si le dispositif concerne l'activité de la division des enquêteurs de secteurs, les inspecteurs peuvent encadrer les officiers.
    • Les dispositifs exceptionnels et planifiés en amont, sont qualifiés d'opérations. Les personnels désignés à la tête des opérations assurent leur supervision. Les commandants et les superviseurs des patrouilles ne doivent pas interférer avec leur autorité. Chaque opération doit être validée en amont par l'officier commandant en charge du bureau concerné.


    • Les officiers de police sont tenus de faire appel à la supervision des patrouilles lorsqu'une situation, eu égard à sa complexité, risque de les pousser à la faute.
      • Est notamment considéré comme situation complexe, un retranchement, une prise d'otage.
      • Les officiers de police sont également tenus de faire appel aux superviseurs des patrouilles si un citoyen demande à voir un superviseur (ou un « supérieur »), sauf à ce que la situation ne le permette manifestement pas ; ces cas de figures sont rares (tireur actif, fuite en cours, etc).
      • L'officier est soucieux de ne pas violer les droits du public. En cas de doute, le personnel est tenu de se référer à un superviseur
      • Si aucun superviseur des patrouilles n'est joignable dans le cadre d'une des situations supra, il est de la responsabilité de l'officier de faire appel à un commandant des patrouilles.


    • Tout contact avec un département tierce dans le cadre d'une opération ou d'un incident doit être effectué par un superviseur des patrouilles, il a l'obligation de ne pas laisser une demande sans réponse.
      • En cas d'absence de superviseur des patrouilles, le commandant des patrouilles peut assurer cette charge, en cas d'absence du WS et WC tout personnel titulaire du grade de sergent et en service peut s'en assurer.
      • Si aucun superviseur ou sergent n'est en service, la communication est effectuée par l'officier primo-intervenant sur l'opération ou l'incident concerné.

    • Afin de maintenir la population informée lorsqu'une situation se déclenche, selon son intensité et au jugement des officiers intervenants, ainsi que de prévenir de toute présence journalistique sur les lieux, de faire appel à la division des relations publiques pour couvrir la situation.




    • Les responsables divisionnaires sont compétents pour organiser leurs divisions comme ils l'entendent et pour émettre des instructions internes à leurs divisions par le biais de mémorandums de catégorie C.


    • Les officiers commandant de bureau sont compétents pour émettre des instructions internes à leurs bureaux par le biais de mémorandums de catégorie B. Ces instructions ont pour objectif de préserver les services d'éventuelles irrégularités, pour faire appliquer la politique déterminée à l'échelle du bureau ou ou pour faire application d'une politique déterminée par le chef de la police/par son chef de cabinet.


    • Le chef de cabinet est compétent pour émettre des instructions aux officiers commandant de bureau, afin de préserver les bureaux d'éventuelles irrégularités, pour faire application d'une instruction du chef de cabinet ou pour faire application d'une politique déterminée par le chef de la police par le biais de mémorandums de catégorie B. Il constitue le second échelon de commandement des bureaux ; il intervient à titre subsidiaire, lorsque le commandant d'un bureau omet de prendre des mesures pourtant nécessaires à veiller à la bonne continuité des services.


    • Le chef de la police est en mesure d'émettre des ordres spéciaux par le biais de mémorandums de catégorie A. Ces derniers déterminent des politiques à suivre en interne. Ces instructions sont d'application impérative ; tâche au chef de cabinet, puis aux officiers commandant de bureaux, d'en faire dûment l'exécution..






    • École — Entité organisationnelle classée au rang d'unité et qui compose par conséquent un programme, lui même classé au rang de division. Elle assure la formation des employés qui sont admis.
    • Programme — Entité organisationnelle classée au rang de division et qui compose par conséquent un bureau. Un programme peut soit avoir pour objectif de former les employés, soit avoir pour objectif de réaliser des audits et/ou des études internes au bureau.


    • Les écoles sont encadrées par les officiers commandants de division respectifs.
      • Les officiers commandants de bureaux et les officiers de direction peuvent intervenir pour palier à toutes éventuelles irrégularités.

    • Les programmes sont encadrés par les officiers commandants des bureaux respectifs.
      • Les officiers de direction peuvent intervenir pour palier à toutes éventuelles irrégularités.


    • La création d'écoles n'est permise qu'à l'initiative du chef de cabinet, chef-assistant, bureau du chef ou par le chef de la police en personne.
    • Les écoles suivantes composent le département de police :
      • École des enquêteurs — Division des enquêteurs de secteurs, bureau des opérations
      • École des superviseurs — [size=85](South Central Area)[/size] Station de Mission Row, bureau des opérations


    • La création de programmes est permise à l'initiative des officiers commandants de bureaux et sur approbation du chef de cabinet, chef-assistant, bureau du chef ou du chef de la police.
    • Les programmes suivants composent le département de police :
      • Programme de formation de terrain — [size=85](South Central Area)[/size] Station de Mission Row, bureau des opérations
      • Programme de formation aux premiers secours — Bureau des services de support

Messages : 71
Date d'inscription : 27/08/2023

Volume 3 - Règles et procédures de management Empty Re: Volume 3 - Règles et procédures de management

Ven 1 Sep 2023 - 11:38
222.10 ROLL CALL PERIOD. Roll call period for a watch shall normally commence forty-five minutes prior
to the time established for the watch to start its tour of duty. If necessary to meet operating conditions, a group
commanding officer or a bureau commanding officer may direct a division commanding officer to establish a
daily roll call period of greater or lesser length.
222.15 ROLL CALL REQUIRED. Each watch commander of the following divisions shall conduct a roll call
period each day prior to the time established for his watch to start its tour of duty:
• All geographic uniformed divisions;
• Metropolitan Division;
• Communications Division; and,
• Traffic divisions.
222.20 PREPARATION FOR ROLL CALL. Watch Commanders (WC) may adjust their work hours to begin
their watch 15 minutes prior to their start of watch in order to prepare for roll call. Any additional time requires
commanding officer’s approval. If a supervisor other than the WC believes he/she needs to report to work early
to prepare for roll call, he/she shall obtain prior approval from their immediate supervisor. If a supervisor
receives approval to report early for a shift, his/her work hours should be adjusted, so that they remain consistent
with his/her total number of scheduled work hours that day, barring exigent circumstances. If an employee
adjusts their start of watch but is unable to adjust their end of watch for that day, he/she shall obtain approval to
work overtime and complete an overtime report for any overtime worked. Adjusted time shall not be carried
over to a different work day. All employees shall comply with overtime procedures established in Department
Manual Section 3/708.02.
222.25 SUPERVISION OF THE DIVISION DURING ROLL CALL. The division commanding officer
shall establish a procedure for ensuring that field supervision of division operations is maintained for the off-
going watch during the time that roll call is being conducted for the oncoming watch. Whenever practicable, one
supervisor of the watch then in the field shall remain available in the station during the roll call period of the
succeeding watch.
If a supervisor of the preceding watch is not available for duty in the station during the roll call period, or if
there has been no preceding watch, a supervisor of the oncoming watch shall remain available in the station
during roll call, if practicable.
222.30 ROLL CALL ATTENDANCE. All officers of divisions listed in Manual Section 3/222.15 shall attend
the roll call for their watch, except as provided in Manual Section 3/222.25. The watch commander shall
conduct the roll call and remain present during the entire roll call period. Supervisors and station personnel shall
attend roll call, but may be dismissed early by the watch commander to assume their assigned duties.
222.35 ROLL CALL UNIFORM REQUIREMENTS. Each employee assigned to uniformed duty shall
appear for roll call dressed in a proper uniform and wearing Department approved body armor and an authorized
police equipment belt.
When directed by a supervisor, employees attending roll call shall stand inspection, dressed in a complete basic
uniform, and with field equipment.
222.40 ROLL CALL PROCEDURE. Roll call shall be conducted as follows:
• Roll call of the employees of the watch. A notation shall be made of those who are present, absent, or
• Assignment of duties to each employee of the watch. If desired, the assignment of duty and call of the
roll may be accomplished together;
• A training period, issuance of instructions, dissemination of information, and discussion of problems and
special duties;
• Dismissal of certain employees to perform specific duties;
• Inspection of the employees of the watch (Manual Section 3/226.88); and,
• Dismissal of the remainder of the watch to assume their assigned duties.
The supervisor conducting the roll call may direct a deviation from this procedure in unusual circumstances.
222.45 READING OF ORDERS TO WATCH. A supervisor shall read, or cause to be read, to the employees
of his or her watch for five consecutive days during the roll call period, all Area/division, Department and other
orders which might affect employees of the watch. The employee reading an order to the watch shall indicate on
the face of the order the following information:
• Watch;
• Last name and serial number of the person reading the order; and,
• Date the order is read.
Example: "PM-Jones, 1234, 6-26-68.

226.35 TYPES OF INSPECTION. Inspection procedures utilized by the Department fall into two classes:
formal and informal. The formal inspection procedure is intended for use during a ceremony or during an
inspection conducted by a visiting dignitary. It may also be utilized during a formal inspection conducted by an
officer of the rank of captain or higher.
The informal inspection procedure may be followed during a routine inspection of a watch by a watch
commander or on other similar occasions such as an informal inspection of a group of employees by a staff
226.40 INSPECTION COMMANDS AND PROCEDURES. An employee conducting an inspection shall
proceed from the right of the line to the left of the line for the front of the first rank and then from left to right for
the rear of the first rank. Successive ranks in each platoon shall be inspected in the same manner.
Ranks awaiting inspection may be given Parade, REST by the employee in charge of the platoon. The employee
shall call each rank to attention prior to their being inspected. A rank which has been inspected may be given
Parade, REST while other ranks are being inspected. At the conclusion of the inspection of the last employee in
a platoon, equipment shall be returned and employees of the platoon-called to attention before the departure of
the inspecting officer. The platoon may be given Close Ranks, MARCH and Parade, REST following the
departure of the inspecting officer if other platoons are to be inspected.
226.45 INSPECTION PARTY. An employee conducting an inspection of a group of employees assembled in
formation may be accompanied during the inspection by such persons as he or she may designate:
• If the inspection is being conducted by another person, the commanding officer of the unit being
inspected shall place himself or herself to the left rear of the inspecting officer during the inspection tour;
• An employee may be designated by the inspecting employee to join the inspection party and to take
notes on discrepancies observed by the inspection party. The notes may form a basis for the report made
(Manual Section 3/226.30).
226.60 HANDGUN INSPECTIONS. The commands for semi-automatic pistol inspection and revolver
inspection are the same, but the procedures differ.
Revolver Inspection. The commands and procedures for revolver inspection are as follows:
• The initial command is Inspection, ARMS. At the preparatory command, Inspection, each officer shall
unfasten the flap or strap of his/her holster and grasp the handle of the revolver. A left-handed officer
wearing his or her holster on the left side may use the left hand in the preparatory move;
• At the command of execution, ARMS, the revolver shall be drawn and held in the right hand.
Left-handed officers wearing their holster on the left side may draw the revolver with their left hand and
pass it to their right hand;
• The revolver shall be held initially in the right hand with the muzzle pointed downward. The right index
finger shall be laid along the frame just below the cylinder. The right forearm and the revolver shall
make an approximate angle of forty-five degrees with the ground, pointed neither straight ahead nor held
parallel to the body, but at an approximate middle position convenient to the unloading of the weapon by
the individual officer. The upper right arm shall be held vertically, close to the body;
• The left hand shall be brought up from the side and used to assist in unloading the revolver. The cylinder
shall be opened, then the muzzle elevated so as to cause the ammunition to drop from the cylinder into
the cupped left hand held below the cylinder. Any ammunition which is dropped while unloading the
revolver shall be retrieved immediately;
• The left forearm and hand holding the ammunition shall be brought to a horizontal position, forearm and
hand straight to the front, elbow close to the side. The ammunition shall be exhibited in the cupped palm
of the left hand, thumb and fingers curled and joined to form a cup with the palm;
• The right hand holding the revolver shall be brought up to the inspection position simultaneously with
the movement of the left hand to the inspection position;
• The revolver shall be held in the right hand for inspection. The thumb and the middle, ring, and little
fingers shall grasp the gun in the normal grip of a right-handed shooter. The index finger shall be laid
straight along the frame of the revolver just above the trigger guard and below the cylinder opening. The
open cylinder shall be held four inches from the chest. The right forearm and the revolver shall be
pointed at a forty-five-degree angle above the horizontal and parallel to a plane fronting the body; and,
• The command to return the revolver to the holster is Return, ARMS. At the preparatory command,
Return, the revolver shall be lowered so that the muzzle points downward. The ammunition held in the
left hand shall then be replaced in the cylinder. The officer may use both hands, shall look at what he or
she is doing, and shall immediately retrieve any ammunition which is dropped during the reloading of
the revolver. After reloading, the officer assumes a position of "Attention," with the revolver still held in
the right hand and pointed downward at a forty-five-degree angle in front of the body with the cylinder
open. At the command of execution, ARMS, the cylinder shall be closed by the left hand and the
revolver replaced in the holster; the free hand shall be used to assist.
Semi-Automatic Pistol Inspection. The commands and procedures for semi-automatic pistol inspection are as
Note: Prior to Inspection-Unloading the Semi-Automatic Pistol. A supervisor shall ensure that each officers'
semi-automatic pistol which is to be inspected is unloaded, i.e., the chamber is emptied with the magazine
removed at the Departmental loading/unloading barrel immediately prior to the inspection. The magazine shall
then be reinserted into the weapon and the cartridge previously removed from the chamber of the pistol shall be
retained in a pocket of the officer's clothing until the inspection is over.
• The initial command is Inspection, ARMS. At the preparatory command, Inspection, officers shall
remove the magazine from the holstered pistol and place it in the front waistband behind the equipment
belt. Officers shall then unfasten the strap of their holster and grasp the weapon by the pistol grips
(officers utilizing flap-holstered pistols shall unfasten the flap prior to removing the magazine).
Left-handed officers wearing holsters on their left side may use their left hand in the preparatory moves;
• At the command of execution, ARMS, pistols shall be drawn and officers shall lock the slides rearward.
Officers armed with pistols which are equipped with a decocking lever shall place the lever in the
downward position. Pistols shall be held in the right hand for inspection. Left-handed officers wearing
holsters on their left side may draw their pistols with their left hand and pass it to their right hand;
• The thumb and the middle, ring, and little fingers shall grasp the pistol in the normal grip of a
right-handed shooter. The index finger shall be laid straight along the frame of the pistol just above the
trigger guard and below the slide. The pistol shall be held six inches from the chest. The right forearm
and the pistol shall be pointed at a forty-five degree angle above the horizontal and parallel to a plane
fronting the body;
• The magazine shall be removed from the waistband with the left hand. The left forearm and hand shall
be brought to a horizontal position, forearm and hand straight to the front, elbow close to the side. The
magazine shall be exhibited in the flat open palm of the left hand, with the top of the magazine pointed to
the front and the magazine cartridges pointed to the left; and,
• The command to return the pistol to the holster is Return, ARMS. At the preparatory command Return,
the magazine in the left hand shall be returned to the waistband, and the pistol shall be held forward and
downward at a forty-five degree angle to the ground, at the command of execution, ARMS, the slide
shall be released by depressing the slide stop with the right thumb. The decocking lever shall be placed
in the upward position and the pistol replaced in the holster. With the strong hand, the magazine shall be
removed from the waistband and replaced into the holstered pistol; the officer shall then assume a
position of attention.
Note of Caution: Supervisors shall admonish officers that immediately after the inspection is concluded, they
shall ensure that a live cartridge is chambered in their pistols utilizing the Departmental loading/unloading
barrel, and that the magazines loaded into the pistols are filled to capacity.
226.64 HANDCUFF INSPECTION. The commands and procedures for handcuff inspection are as follows:
• The initial command is Handcuffs, DRAW. At the preparatory command, Handcuffs, the handcuff case
shall be unfastened and the handcuffs loosened in the case. An officer wearing a holster on the right side
may use the left hand in the preparatory move;
• At the command of execution, DRAW, the handcuffs shall be removed from the case. An officer wearing
a handcuff case on the left side may remove the handcuffs with his or her left hand and pass them to the
right hand. The index and middle fingers of the right hand shall be placed through the wrist openings in
the handcuffs. The ring and little fingers shall be folded back to the palm of the right hand and held in
place by the thumb. The upper right arm shall be held vertically, close to the side of the body. The right
forearm shall be held straight to the front of the body and slightly above the horizontal;
• The key ring shall be unsnapped from the key holder and placed in the palm of the left hand. The upper
left arm shall be held vertically and close to the side of the body. The left forearm shall be extended
horizontally and straight to the front of the body;
• The command to return the handcuffs to their case is Handcuffs, RETURN. There is no motion at the
preparatory command Handcuffs; and,
• At the command of execution, RETURN, the officer shall replace the handcuffs in the handcuff case and
fasten the flap. He/she shall replace the key ring on the key holder and then resume the position of
226.68 NOTEBOOK INSPECTION. The commands and procedures for notebook inspection are as follows:
• The initial command is Notebooks, DRAW. There is no motion at the preparatory command, Notebooks;
• At the command of execution, DRAW, the notebook shall be drawn and placed in the palm of the right
hand. The upper right arm shall be held vertically and close to the body. The right forearm shall be
extended horizontally and straight to the front of the body. The notebook shall be held in the right palm,
with the right thumb holding the book open at the place of the last entry. The notebook shall be in proper
position for the inspecting officer to read;
• The command to return notebooks is Notebooks, RETURN. There is no motion at the preparatory
command, Notebooks; and,
• At the command of execution, RETURN, the notebook shall be replaced in the officer's pocket. He/she
shall then resume the position of "Attention."
226.72 RESERVE AMMUNITION INSPECTION. The commands and procedures for inspection of reserve
ammunition are as follows:
• The initial command is Reserve Ammunition, DRAW. There is no motion at the preparatory command,
Reserve Ammunition;
• At the command of execution, DRAW, the reserve ammunition of the officer shall be drawn and placed
in the palm of the right hand. Both hands may be used to draw the reserve ammunition. Any ammunition
which is dropped shall be retrieved immediately. The upper right arm shall be held vertically and close to
the body. The right forearm shall be extended horizontally and straight to the front of the body. The palm
of the hand may be cupped slightly to hold the ammunition;
• The command to return ammunition is Ammunition, RETURN. There is no motion at the preparatory
command, Ammunition; and,
• At the command of execution, RETURN, the ammunition shall be placed in the right trouser pocket of
the officer.
226.76 MISCELLANEOUS ITEM INSPECTION. In the case of identification cards, driver’s licenses,
pencils, or other miscellaneous items, the name of the item to be inspected shall constitute the preparatory
command. There is no motion at such a preparatory command. The command of execution, DRAW, shall
constitute the signal to locate the item and place it in the right palm in inspection position.
Example: Identification Cards, DRAW. There is no motion at the preparatory command, Identification
Cards. At the command of execution, DRAW, the officer shall take out the identification card and place it in
his/her right hand ready for inspection. If necessary, an officer may use both hands to withdraw the item for
• To return the item, the preparatory command used shall consist of the name of the item being inspected.
For simplicity in command, the name may be shortened. The command of execution shall consist of the
word RETURN. At this command, the item shall be placed in the right trouser pocket of the officer.
Example: Cards, RETURN. There is no motion at the preparatory command, Cards. At the command of
execution, RETURN, the officer shall drop his or her right hand to the side and place the identification card in
the right trouser pocket.
226.80 INSPECTION OF PLAIN - CLOTHES OFFICERS. Officers dressed in plain clothes and assembled
in formation shall, as smartly as possible, execute commands issued, although exact precision may not be
possible and modification of methods may be necessary.
Example: Officers in plain clothes may be commanded, Reserve Ammunition, DRAW. The ammunition may
be withdrawn for inspection in the manner most convenient to the individual plainclothes officer, although
finally exhibited in the prescribed manner (Manual Section 3/226.72).
226.84 INSPECTION GUIDES. An employee conducting an inspection of a group of uniformed employees
shall be guided by Chapter 3/600 of the Department Manual and "The Department Uniform and Personal
Equipment Specifications" and should check each item specified therein for appearance and condition. He or she
shall inspect each employee for compliance with the personal appearance regulations. The inspecting employee
may use the Uniform Inspection Record, Form 01.41.00, as a guide in detailed inspections.
Specific points about the appearance of the individual employee, either good or bad, may be commented on to
the employee being inspected. An inspecting employee may direct the accompanying employee to make a note
as to a superior or deficient appearance.
If necessary to comment on the appearance of an employee while conducting an inspection from behind the
employee, the inspecting employee should preface his/her remarks with the employee's name. If the inspecting
employee is unaware of the employee's name, the inspecting employee shall place his/her hand lightly on the
employee's shoulder or back at the time he/she speaks to the employee. This will ensure that the employee is
aware he/she is being addressed.
226.88 INFORMAL INSPECTION. An informal inspection procedure may be used by a watch commander to
accomplish the daily inspection of a watch during roll call. The procedure may also be used by a supervisor in
charge of a detail at a special event or at the direction of a supervisor during any formation other than a formal
ceremony. The procedure is as follows. A sergeant of the watch commands, in sequence:
• At Close Interval, FALL IN. Officers of the watch shall arrange themselves in the formation indicated
by the sergeant. Supernumerary sergeants, unless dismissed by the watch commander, shall fall in behind
the last rank (of the first platoon) dressed on the right flank, or may fall in at another convenient place in
proximity to the group, depending upon space limitations. Officers dressed in plain clothes shall fall in as
a group so located that they will be inspected last. They may fall in behind the last rank (of the first
platoon) dressed on the left flank, or may take positions in the last rank;
• At Close Interval, Dress Right, DRESS. The watch sergeant shall move informally to the right flank of
the rank to check the alignment of the rank. He or she shall give the necessary instructions to adjust the
alignment. After completing the alignment, the watch sergeant shall command, Ready, FRONT;
• Open Ranks, MARCH. This command need not be given unless there are at least two ranks to be
inspected and the space in which the platoon is formed is adequate to permit the rank to be opened. The
normal distance between ranks at inspection will be two paces. The rear rank shall stand fast. Each rank
in front of it shall take a sufficient number of paces forward to permit the two-pace distance to be taken.
In a three-rank platoon, the rear rank shall stand fast, the center rank shall take one pace forward, and the
front rank shall take two paces forward. Each officer shall execute "At Close Interval, Dress Right,
DRESS" without command after securing the proper distance between ranks;
• The watch sergeant shall move informally along the right flank of the platoon to check the alignment of
the ranks. He or she shall give the necessary instructions to adjust the alignment. The watch sergeant
shall then move to a position to the right of the right flank officer of the front rank of the platoon and
command, Ready, FRONT; and,
• The sergeant shall then report to the watch commander, Sir, the watch is ready for inspection. The
watch commander may request any other supervisor present to assist him/her in the inspection, or the
watch commander may assist a senior officer in conducting the inspection.
The inspecting officer shall:
• Inspect the sergeant forming the watch; and,
• Instruct a supervisor to assist in the inspection.
If the inspecting officer informs the sergeant that he or she wishes to inspect a specific item of officers
equipment, the sergeant shall then issue the necessary commands to prepare the equipment for inspection.
If there is more than one rank to be inspected, the sergeant may prepare each rank individually for inspection as
the inspection progresses. The ranks not being inspected may be given, Parade, REST.
The supervisor accompanying the inspecting officer during the inspection shall make notes of deficiencies
indicated by the inspecting officer.
• Inspect the officers of the watch;
• Make such comments to the watch as he or she may deem appropriate; and,
• Instruct the sergeant to dismiss the watch.
If Open Ranks has not been given, the watch need not be given, Close Ranks, MARCH, although equipment
shall be returned and the watch called to attention before dismissal. The sergeant shall then command, FALL
226.92 FORMAL INSPECTION. The following procedure shall be used in conducting a formal inspection of
a group of officers:
• The officer in charge of the formation shall instruct the platoon sergeants of the time, place, formation,
and equipment requirements of the inspection;
Example: A weapons' inspection shall be held in the parking lot at 0830 hours. The watch shall be formed into
two platoons of two ranks each. The platoons shall face east with the first officer opposite the garage entrance.
Sergeant Bruce shall command the first platoon; Sergeant Nelson, the second.
• The officer in charge of the formation shall take a position six paces in front of the point where the center
of the formation is to be, face that point, and command, FALL IN FOR INSPECTION;
• Each platoon sergeant shall take a position in front of, and facing, the location where his/her platoon is to
form. Each platoon sergeant shall then command, FALL IN, or At Close Interval, FALL IN;
• The officers of the formation shall arrange themselves in the formation indicated by the platoon sergeant.
Sizing shall be accomplished without command. Ranks to the rear of the first rank shall form with forty
inches between ranks, covered from front to rear. Individual officers may execute a momentary
"DRESS" without command to secure the proper interval. Supernumerary sergeants, unless dismissed by
the officer in charge of the formation, shall fall in behind the last rank (of the first platoon) dressed on
the right flank, or shall fall in at another position, if so directed by the officer in charge of the formation;
• Officers dressed in plain clothes shall fall in as a group so that they will be inspected last. They may fall
in behind the last rank (of the first platoon) dressed on the left flank, or may take positions in the last
• If the officer in charge of the formation indicates that more than one platoon should be utilized, one
sergeant shall give the command, FALL IN, although each of several platoon sergeants shall assume a
position in front of the place where his/her platoon is to form. Subsequent commands shall be issued by
the individual sergeant with each platoon;
• When a platoon formation has been completed, its sergeant shall execute, "About Face." As soon as the
sergeant of the first platoon is aware that each sergeant in charge of a platoon has executed "About
Face," the sergeant shall turn his/her head toward the officer in charge of the formation, and salute, and
report, Sir, the first platoon is present. Other platoon sergeants, in succession from right to left, shall
salute and report in like fashion;
• The officer in charge of the formation shall return the salute of each platoon sergeant. After the last
report has been made, he/she shall command, Prepare for inspection or, if he/she wishes to inspect a
particular item of equipment, Prepare for inspection of (item);
• Each platoon sergeant shall salute and, by means of a series of movements and facings, move to a
position on the right flank of his/her platoon, one pace to the right and in prolongation of the position at
which the front rank shall halt after opening ranks. The sergeant shall face in the direction necessary to
align the ranks and command, Open Ranks, MARCH. Open ranks shall be executed (Manual Section
3/226.88). However, the platoon sergeant shall use a more formal method of aligning the ranks than
during an informal inspection. He/she shall maintain a military bearing, and shall not weave from side to
side to correct the alignment, but shall take short side steps. After aligning the first rank, he/she shall face
to the left in marching, halt on the prolongation of each succeeding rank, face right, and align the rank.
After verifying the alignment of the last rank, the sergeant shall face to the right in marching and move
forward to a position one pace to the right of the first officer in the first rank, and three paces in front of
the first rank;
• Each platoon sergeant shall execute "About Face" and command, Ready, FRONT. Sergeants of platoons
other than the first shall command, Parade, REST, if simultaneous inspections of the platoons are not to
be made. They shall then execute "About Face" and assume a position of "Parade, Rest" until such time
as it is necessary to prepare their platoon for inspection;
• If an inspection of equipment is to be made, the sergeant of the first platoon shall command, Second,
(Third), (Fourth) Ranks Only, Parade, REST. He/she shall then prepare the first rank for inspection,
causing such equipment to be exhibited as is necessary. He/she shall prepare succeeding ranks for
inspection as the inspection progresses;
Example: Second Rank Only, ATTENTION. Second Ranks Only, Inspection, ARMS. First Rank Only,
Return, ARMS. First Rank Only, Parade, REST. Second Rank Only, Return, ARMS. Platoon, ATTENTION.
• The platoon sergeant shall salute the inspecting officer when his/her platoon has been inspected. After
the departure of the inspecting officer from the platoon area, the platoon sergeant shall command, Close
Ranks, MARCH, and Parade, REST;
• Each platoon sergeant shall issue necessary commands as the inspection progresses. If a simultaneous
inspection is made of the formation by several inspecting officers, each platoon sergeant shall issue
his/her commands accordingly;
• At the conclusion of the inspection of the last man, the officer in charge of the formation shall resume the
position from which he/she commanded the platoon sergeants to prepare for inspection. Each platoon
sergeant shall call his/her platoon to attention. The inspecting officer may make such comments as are
applicable, and take his/her leave of the officer in charge of the formation; and,
• The officer in charge of the formation shall make such comments as are applicable to the members of the
formation and then command, FALL OUT (or other command).
used to give the prayer/invocation for all recruit graduation ceremonies, or any other Department event as
requested, subject to availability. Prior to representing the Department as a chaplain, each participant shall
contact the Chief Police Psychologist, Behavioral Science Services, who serves as the Department Chaplain
Corps Coordinator. Participants shall meet with the Chaplain Corps Coordinator or his/her designee and review
and sign the Chaplain Corps Guidelines for General Prayer for Department functions and civic occasions.
These guidelines shall include the following provis
Messages : 71
Date d'inscription : 27/08/2023

Volume 3 - Règles et procédures de management Empty Re: Volume 3 - Règles et procédures de management

Ven 1 Sep 2023 - 11:40
240.20 COMMUNITY MEETING – DEFINITION. A community meeting is defined as “any formal meeting
with members of the community, where there are discussions regarding the quality of life, crime trends, or other
topics that affect the community or the Department.” Community meetings include both Department and non-
Department sponsored meetings (i.e. local schools, business groups, clergy, neighborhood groups, etc.).
Employee’s Responsibility. Upon notification of a request for a community meeting, the employee shall:
• Document the request on the Community Meeting Request/Critique, Form 01.83.01;
• Forward the form to the Senior Lead Officer (SLO);
• Attend community meetings as directed by the Watch Commander or SLO Supervisor; and,
• Complete the Community Meeting Request/Critique form for each meeting attended and forward it to the
SLO Supervisor.
Note: In the event an employee assigned to a community meeting cannot attend, that employee shall
immediately notify the watch commander and/or SLO Supervisor.
Senior Lead Officer Supervisor's Responsibility. Upon notification of a request for a community meeting the
SLO Supervisor shall:
• Ensure the request is documented on a Community Meeting Request/Critique form;
• Ensure the form is forwarded to the Officer in Charge, Area CRO;
• Coordinate with the watch commander to assign an officer(s), preferably within the Basic Car, to handle
the meeting. The officer(s) assigned the meeting shall be given a copy of the Community Meeting
Request/Critique Form;
• If notified by officer(s) assigned to a pre-scheduled community meeting of their inability to attend the
meeting, the SLO Supervisor shall attempt to assign a nother officer(s) to attend;
• If unsuccessful, the SLO Supervisor shall notify the contact person (i.e., the person requesting the
community meeting) in a timely manner regarding the unforeseen circumstances for non-attendance;
• Ensure the officers who attended the meeting complete a Community Meeting Request/Critique form
and submit the form to the SLO Supervisor for review;
• Complete a SLO Supervisor Area Community Meeting Summary form at the end of each calendar
month; and,
• Forward the completed SLO Supervisor Area Community Meeting Summary and Community Meeting
Request/Critique forms, to the Officer in Charge, Area CRO Unit.
Note: In the event Department personnel did not attend a community meeting, or the meeting was cancelled for
any reason, the SLO Supervisor shall document on the Community Meeting Request/Critique form the reason
for non-attendance and/or cancellation.
Officer in Charge, Area Community Relations Officer’s Responsibility. Upon notification of a community
meeting, the Officer in Charge, Area CRO, shall:
• Ensure the request is documented on the Community Meeting Request/Critique form;
• Forward a copy of the Community Meeting Request/Critique to the respective SLO Supervisor and
Watch Commander;
Messages : 71
Date d'inscription : 27/08/2023

Volume 3 - Règles et procédures de management Empty Re: Volume 3 - Règles et procédures de management

Ven 1 Sep 2023 - 11:40
246.40 REQUESTS FOR APPEARANCE OF POLICE HONOR GUARD. Requests or invitations for the
appearance of the Police Honor Guard shall be referred to the Employee Assistance Unit, Behavioral Science
members designated to participate in an approved function shall normally be assigned to the watch hours which
will cover the event in which they shall appear. The appearance shall be considered as their primary duty
assignment. Upon the completion of the detail, Police Honor Guard members shall report to their respective
divisions for deployment for the balance of the watch.
Non-Designated Level I Officer - Defined. A reserve police officer who has not completed a one-year
probationary period, including a minimum of 200 hours worked in a patrol assignment, are classified as Non-
Designated Level I officers. These probationary officers have full police officer status only while on duty and
are not allowed to carry a firearm off-duty.
Designated Level I Officer (DL-I) - Defined. A Designated Level I (DL-I) reserve police officer is defined as a
reserve officer who has successfully completed the Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) basic course
and has qualified for the POST Reserve Police Officer Certificate. A DL-I reserve police officer may work with
a non-probationary full time police officer or a Certified Designated Level I (CDL-I) reserve police officer. A
DL-I reserve police officer has 24-hour peace officer authority and may carry a concealed firearm. All DL-I
reserve police officers shall:
• Complete the POST 400-hour probationary field training program;
• Complete 32-hours of duty per two deployment periods; and,
• Maintain the POST mandated Professional Training (CPT) hours.
Note: Certified Designated Level I Reserve Police Officer (CDL-I) is defined as a reserve police officer who has
completed 2,000 hours in a patrol assignment and received approval from his/her involved commanding officer
and the Department Reserve Coordinator. Certified Designated Level I reserve police officers may work alone
or with a non-probationary reserve police officer or full time police officer. A CDL-I reserve police officer has
24-hour peace officer authority and may carry a concealed firearm.
Level II Reserve Police Officer – Defined. A Level II reserve police officer is defined as a reserve police
officer who has successfully completed the POST Module II academy course. Level II reserve police officers
have peace officer authority only while on-duty. A Level II reserve police officer may carry a concealed firearm
off-duty with a Carry Concealed Weapon permit issued at the successful completion of the POST certified
Module II Reserve Academy. A Level II reserve police officer, upon completion of their probation, may be
assigned to work with a non-probationary full time police officer or a CDL-I reserve police officer.
Level II reserve police officers shall be assigned to a POST certified field training officer until completion of
their probationary training. All Level II reserve police officers shall:
• Complete the Department’s 300-hour probationary field training program;
• Complete 32-hours of duty per two deployment periods; and,
• Maintain the POST mandated CPT hours.
Note: Levels I and II reserve police officers shall complete 24 hours of CPT every two years. Area/divisional
training coordinators are responsible for ensuring that this requirement is met and tracked.
Level III Armed/Unarmed Reserve Police Officers – Defined. Level III reserve police officers are appointed
after they have successfully completed the POST Module III academy course consisting of 245 hours. Qualified
Level III reserve police officers may be armed, provided they have met Department eligibility requirements and
may be allowed to carry weapons while on-duty. These reserve police officers have peace officer authority only
while on-duty. Level III reserve police officers are limited to those duties that are not likely to result in a
physical arrest. Level III reserve police officers may be supervised by a full time non-probationary police officer
or a CDL-I reserve police officer. Level III reserve police officers may work in plain clothes or in uniform.
Armed Level III Reserve Police Officers. Armed Level III reserve police officers shall not be assigned general
law enforcement duties but may be assigned limited duties including, but not limited to the following:
• Administrative duties to include Area/divisional front desk;
• Communications;
• Community Relations Office;
• Detective non-enforcement assignments;
• Special task forces;
• Traffic control;
• Security at parades and sporting events;
• Report car (investigative field reports where suspects are not likely present);
• Evidence transportation;
• Arrestee/Inmate transportation;
• Parking enforcement; and,
• Subpoena service.
Note: Level III reserve police officers assigned to work a plain-clothes assignment may carry their weapons
concealed while on-duty. Armed Level III reserve police officers may use a marked black and white vehicle in
the performance of their duties.
Unarmed Level III Reserve Police Officers. Unarmed Level III reserve police officers shall not be assigned
general law enforcement or patrol duties but may be assigned limited duties including the

252.20 ASSIGNMENT OF POLICE RESERVES. While on-duty, and at the direction of their commanding
officer, police reserve officers shall be deployed as follows:
Certified Designated Level I Status. Reserve police officers having Certified Designated Level I status may
be assigned any duties normally performed by a full-time police officer, including, but not limited to, the
• Uniformed Patrol;
• Collision Investigation;
• Vice; and,
• Any additional assignments as determined by the Chief of Police.
Level II and Designated Level I Status. Reserve police officer having Level II or Designated Level I Status
and under the supervision of a full-time police officer may be assigned any duties normally performed by a full-
time police officer, including, but not limited to, the following:
• Uniformed Patrol;
• Collision Investigation; and,
• Any additional assignments as determined by the Chief of Police.
Note: Non-field certified Reserve Officers are limited to non-enforcement duties.
Armed Level III Reserve Officers. Armed Level III reserve police officers shall not be assigned general law
enforcement duties, but may be assigned limited duties including, but not limited to the following:
• Administrative duties to include Area/divisional front desk;
• Communications;
• Community Relations Office;
• Detective non-enforcement assignments;
• Special task forces;
• Traffic control;
• Security at parades and sporting events;
• Report car (investigative field reports where suspects are not likely present);
• Evidence transportation;
• Arrestee/Inmate transportation;
• Parking enforcement; and,
• Subpoena service.
Note: Level III reserve police officers assigned to work a plain-clothes assignment may carry their weapons
concealed while on-duty. Armed Level III reserve police officers may use a marked black and white vehicle in
the performance of their duties.
Unarmed Level III Reserve Officers. Unarmed Level III reserve police officers shall not be assigned general
law enforcement or patrol duties, but may be assigned limited duties including the following:
• Administrative duties to include Area/divisional front desk;
• Communications;
• Community Relations Office;
• Detective non-enforcement assignments; and,
• Special task forces.
Note: Commanding officers shall ensure that in no case shall the requirements of the assignment exceed the
training and abilities of the reserve police officer.
Specialist Status. A reserve police officer having specialist status shall function primarily as a consultant and
perform special assignments, including, but not limited to, the following:
• Chemist;
• Physician;
• Teacher;
• Advertising Artist;
• Photographer;
• Statistician;
• Computer Systems Analyst;
• Computer Programmer;
• Technical Writer;
• Criminalist; and,
• Chaplain.
Riot, Disaster, or Civil Defense. Reserve police officers may be deployed for riot, disaster, or civil defense
operations at the discretion of the Department Commander.
Note: In no case shall the requirements of the assignment exceed the training and abilities of the police reserve
police officers and Certified Designated Level I reserve police officers shall have full peace officer status and
shall be guided by Department policies and procedures when engaging in police action on or off duty.
Note: A CDL-I and DL-I reserve police officer has 24-hour peace officer authority and may carry a concealed
Off-duty reserve police officers who do not have DL-I or CDL-I status do not have full peace officer status or
powers and shall not identify or represent themselves to be police officers under any circumstances.
Note: A Level II reserve police officer may carry a concealed firearm off-duty with a Carry Concealed Weapon
permit issued at the successful completion of the POST certified Module II Reserve Academy.
252.30 DEPARTMENT RESERVE COORDINATOR. The Commanding Officer, Personnel Division, shall
be designated as the Department Reserve Coordinator and shall be responsible for:
• Ensuring adherence to established procedures and standards of the Police Reserve Corps to achieve
Department-wide uniformity;
• Reviewing all recommendations for adjudication of sustained complaints of misconduct involving
Reserve Corps members after it has been reviewed by the reserve officer’s bureau commanding officer;
• Forwarding the complaint to Internal Affairs Division indicating concurrence or militarily endorsing the
recommended adjudicati
Messages : 71
Date d'inscription : 27/08/2023

Volume 3 - Règles et procédures de management Empty Re: Volume 3 - Règles et procédures de management

Ven 1 Sep 2023 - 11:41
A Home-Garaging Vehicle Authority Application, Form 11.36.00, is used to apply for a Home-Garaging
Vehicle Authority. Each new and renewal Home-Garaging Vehicle Authority Application, Form 11.36.00, shall
briefly describe the specific duties that require the authority. Each new Home-Garaging Vehicle Authority
Application shall state: (1) Whether or not the position is an increase in the table of organization (TO); (2) if not
an increase in TO, where the position came from and why; (3) position responsibilities, including changed
conditions, which now require a Home-Garaging Vehicle Authority; and (4) and how those responsibilities were
carried out without such an authority.
Only those Home-Garaging Vehicle Authority Applications that meet one or more of the following criteria will
be approved. Each new or renewal Home-Garaging Vehicle Authority Application shall include a justification
based on the applicable criteria.
• Employees whose duties regularly subject them to emergency call-outs and/or are on stand-by status
where time is a critical factor and direct response serves the public interest and/or employees who,
because of their individual expertise, use of specialized equipment or assignment of a specially equipped
vehicle, are regularly required to respond, without prior notice, directly to a crime scene;
• Captains and above and civilian equivalents;
• Crime task force employees whose duties require direct reporting to locations other than their assigned
headquarters; and,
• The Chief of Police will have discretion in assigning home-garaging.
Note: Captains and above and civilian equivalents are exempt from completing the Home-Garaging Vehicle
Authority Application for Department vehicles to which they are personally assigned. For purposes of this
Section, the term Captains and above include civilian equivalents.
A Home-Garaging Employee Authorization, Form 11.35.01, is a contract in which an employee and his/her
commanding officer certify that the employee is assigned to a position for which the given Home-Garaging
Vehicle Authority has been approved by the Police Commission. Each employee who uses a Home-Garaging
Vehicle Authority shall hold a valid Home-Garaging Employee Authorization prior to such use. Any change in
garaging location or other certified condition of use invalidates the concerned Home-Garaging Employee
Authorization. A new Home-Garaging Employee Authorization shall be completed, approved by the Home-
Garaging Review Committee, and forwarded to Administrative Services Bureau prior to home-garaging after
such change. All Home-Garaging Employee Authorizations for a given fiscal year become invalid on the first
day of the next fiscal year.
The Boards of Police Commissioners will grant approval of a specific employee or team of employees to
regularly home garage a Department vehicle only when they are subject to a high frequency of emergency call-
outs or inspections.
The use of all home-garaged vehicles, excluding transportation to and from work, will be restricted to the
performance of official duties. Personal use of home-garaged vehicles is prohibited.
All home-garaged vehicles must be assigned in a manner that will provide the maximum use and availability of
the vehicles and equipment.
When not in use, all home-garaged vehicles must be properly sheltered in a locked garage or other approved
secure location and provided with adequate security to safeguard the vehicle and its contents.
Persons riding as passengers in home-garaged vehicles shall be limited to Department personnel, other City
employees when it can be demonstrated that such riding is in the best interest of the City or the Department, and
other persons accompanying the permittee in his/her capacity as a Department employee representing the
Department; and the permittee must be available for immediate response. Only Department personnel shall be
permitted to operate a home-garaged vehicle.
Each commanding officer shall maintain a list of positions under his/her immediate command for which the
Board has authorized home-garaged vehicles.
260.01 HOME - GARAGING OUTSIDE THE COUNTY. Officers of the rank of lieutenant and below and
civilian equivalents, authorized to home-garage an emergency response vehicle, including motorcycles, shall
home-garage their assigned vehicle within the County of Los Angeles or within 60 miles of the Los Angeles
City limits when outside the County. Employees home-garaging an emergency response vehicle outside the
County should refer to their current MOU to determine if they are required to pay an associated parking fee.
Note: The monthly parking fee is set by the City of Los Angeles and managed by Commute Options and
Parking Section.
When a parking fee is to be assessed, the specified amount will be collected through automatic payroll dues
Officer’s Responsibility. Officers currently authorized to home-garage an emergency response vehicle shall
complete a new Home-Garaging Employee Authorization, Form 11.35.01, if the vehicle is or will be home-
garaged outside the County, and complete a Payroll Deduction Card, City Form 66CS17, if a parking fee is
Note: The parking fee assessment applies only to officers who are regularly assigned emergency response
vehicles. The fee assessment will not apply to temporary home-garaging.
When officers will no longer home-garage their emergency response vehicle outside the County of Los Angeles,
they shall complete a new Home-Garaging Employee Authorization, Form 11.35.01, with a Cancellation of
Employee Parking Payroll Deduction Card, City Form 66CS16, and submit them to their commanding officer. A
Cancellation of Employee Parking Payroll Deduction Card shall also be completed when an employee is no
longer authorized to home-garage a vehicle.
Annual Home-Garaging Responsibilities. Each employee who is assigned to a position with a home-garaging
vehicle authority shall:
• Complete and obtain his or her commanding officer’s approval of a Home-Garaging Employee
Authorization, Form 11.35.01, prior to home garaging under that vehicle authority each fiscal year;
• Complete and obtain approval of a new Home-Garaging Employee Authorization prior to home garaging
under a new vehicle authority (usually necessary when an employee is temporarily or permanently
reassigned from one home-garaging position to another); and,
• Complete and obtain approval of a new Home-Garaging Employee Authorization prior to any home
garaging at a new garaging location.
Note: Each position approved for home garaging is assigned a Home-Garaging Vehicle Authority code number.
Each employee who is assigned to such a position, even for a single tour of duty, must obtain approval of a
Home-Garaging Employee Authorization for that position prior to home garaging. This Home-Garaging
Employee Authorization shall bear the same code number as the position. A Home-Garaging Employee
Authorization may be used for more than one Home-Garaging Vehicle Authority with the approval of the Chair,
Home-Garaging Review Committee.
Monthly Home-Garaging Responsibilities. Each employee (captains and above and civilian equivalents,
Metropolitan Division officers and two-wheel motorcycle officers exempted) authorized to home garage a
Department vehicle shall document on the Home-Garaging Vehicle Log, Form 11.35.00, all off-hour emergency
call-outs, off-hour inspections, other off-hour uses, and on-duty enroute activities, as defined below. No other
driving shall be logged. A single log shall be maintained for each Home-Garaging Vehicle Authority (one
vehicle per authority), regardless of the number of drivers.
A "driver" is an employee who (1) holds a valid Home-Garaging Employee Authorization, Form 11.35.01, and
(2) uses that authorization to drive any City vehicle off-hour and/or to garage that vehicle away from the regular
work location.
"Off-hour" means (1) off-duty and (2) prior to the beginning of the employees next normal tour of duty.
An "off-hour emergency call-out" occurs when a home-garaging employee who is (1) off-duty; (2) not at a
Department facility; (3) receives previously unknown facts or instructions; (4) based on those facts or
instructions, drives immediately and directly to a designated location; and (5) because time is a critical factor in
service of the public interest. At least 10 emergency call-outs per vehicle authority per calendar year are required
for receiving and retaining a Home-Garaging Vehicle Authority except authorities for employees at or above the
command level, two-wheel motorcycle officers, and Metropolitan Division officers.
An "off-hour inspection" occurs when (1) a home-garaging employee (2) at or above the supervisory level (3)
initiates any necessary inspectional or supervisory activity.
An "other off-hour use" occurs when a home-garaging employee who is (1) off-duty (2) initiates necessary City
business which is (3) neither an off-hour emergency call-out (4) nor an off-hour inspection. Commuting is not
City business and shall not be documented on this log.
An "on-duty enroute activity" occurs when a home-garaging employee (1) conducts any City business (2) at
the beginning or at the end of a normal tour of duty (3) at a location other than the regular work location.
Senior Home-Garaging Employee. The senior employee (captains and above and civilian equivalents,
Metropolitan Division officers and two-wheel motorcycle officers exempted) authorized to home garage under
each vehicle authority shall submit a completed Home-Garaging Vehicle Log, Form 11.35.00, for that authority
to his or her commanding officer no later than 10 days after the end of each month.
Annual Home-Garaging Responsibility. Each staff and command officer shall:
• Review and approve all Home-Garaging Employee Authorizations, Form 11.35.01, submitted by all
immediate subordinate staff and command officers and by all other employees within his or her
command who are not also within a subordinate command;
• Forward each Home-Garaging Employee Authorization directly to Administrative Services Bureau
immediately upon approval;
• Complete a Home-Garaging Vehicle Authority Application, Form 11.36.00, for each vehicle (staff and
command officers and two-wheel motorcycles excepted), requested to be home garaged by employees
within his or her command who are not also within a subordinate command;
• Complete a Home-Garaging Approval Summary, Form 11.36.01, (staff and command officers excepted),
to summarize and convey for approval these Home-Garaging Vehicle Authority Applications and to
apply directly for these authorities for two-wheel motorcycles;
• Review and approve all Home-Garaging Approval Summaries and Home-Garaging Vehicle Authority
Applications received from subordinate officers; and,
Note: Each staff and command officer shall be responsible for a careful review to ensure both the completeness
of each Home-Garaging Vehicle Authority Application and the necessity for the home garaging of a City
• Forward all Home-Garaging Approval Summaries and Home-Garaging Vehicle Authority Applications
through channels to the Chair, Home Garaging Review Committee for approval no later than February 1
prior to the fiscal year of the applications.
Note: A Home-Garaging Vehicle Authority Application and Home-Garaging Approval Summary for a new
vehicle authority may be submitted whenever the need for the new authority is identified. A new authority is one
not requested or not approved the previous fiscal year.
Monthly Home-Garaging Responsibility. Each staff and command officer shall:
• Review and approve all Home-Garaging Vehicle Logs, Form 11.35.00, for vehicle authorities within his
or her command which are not also within a subordinate command; and,
• Ensure that Home-Garaging Vehicle Logs are submitted to Administrative Services Bureau at the end of
each month.
Commanding Officer’s Responsibility. The commanding officer of each employee who is authorized to home-
garage an emergency response vehicle shall:
• Review all current and new Home-Garaging Employee Authorization(s), Form 11.35.01, in his/her
command and determine which officers will home-garage vehicles outside the County;
• Provide a Payroll Deduction Card, City Form 66CS17, to officers if a parking fee is to be assessed;
• Collect the completed Payroll Deduction Cards, City Form 66CS17, and forward them to the
Department’s Home-Garaging Coordinator, Administrative Services Bureau, in conjunction with the
completed Home-Garaging Employee Authorization, Form 11.35.01;
• Maintain a list of all officers who will be home-garaging emergency response vehicles outside the
• Forward all the received Cancellation of Employee Parking Payroll Deduction Card(s), City Form
66CS16, to the Department Home-Garaging Coordinator; and,
• Maintain a copy of all current completed Home-Garaging Employee Authorization(s), Form 11.35.01.
Department Home-Garaging Coordinator’s responsibility. The Commanding Officer, Administrative
Services Bureau, is designated as the Department’s Home-Garaging Coordinator. The Department’s Home-
Garaging Coordinator shall:
• Collect all Home-Garaging Employee Authorization (s), Form 11.35.01, and Payroll Deduction Cards,
City Form 66CS17, from commanding officers;
• Forward all obtained Payroll Deduction Cards, City Form 66CS17, and Cancellation of Employee
Parking Deduction Cards, City Form 66CS16, to City Employee Benefits Division, Commute Options
and Parking Section;
• Maintain a file of Home-Garaging Employee Authorizations, Form 11.35.01, for emergency response
vehicles that are home-garaged outside the County of Los Angeles, within 60 miles from the City limits;
• Provide a list of all officers who will be home-garaging emergency response vehicles outside the County
of Los Angeles, within 60 miles from the City limits, to the City Employee Benefits Division, Commute
Options and Parking Section, on a semi-annual basis per fiscal year.
Garaging Review Committee shall cause all Home-Garaging Approval Summaries, Form 11.36.01, and
Home-Garaging Vehicle Authority Applications, Form 11.36.00, to be reviewed and, if approved, forwarded to
the Commanding Officer, Administrative Services Bureau, no later than March 1 prior to the fiscal year of the
• Cause all Home-Garaging Approval Summaries, Form 11.36.01, and Home-Garaging Vehicle Authority
Applications, Form 11.36.00, to be reviewed for accuracy and completeness and presented to the
Chairperson, Home-Garaging Committee, no later than May 1 prior to the fiscal year of the applications;
• Notify all staff and command officers of the approval or disapproval of Home-Garaging Vehicle
Authorities by the Board of Police Commissioners.
260.10 LIABILITY INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS. Each Police Department employee who is authorized
to home garage a City motor vehicle shall be named insured on a standard automobile liability insurance policy
for the employee's personally-owned motor vehicle or, alternatively, shall be a named insured on a non-owned
automobile insurance policy. This insurance policy shall provide at least the minimum coverage prescribed by
the City.
Exception: Officers assigned to two-wheel motorcycle duty are exempted from liability insurance requirements.
Note: Current insurance requirements are:
• Bodily injury Liability-$25,000 each injury/$50,000 each accident; and,
• Property Damage Liability-$5,000.
dispersal park or temporarily home garage a Department vehicle away from the employee's regular work
location only when such parking is an operational necessity. Employees shall obtain prior written approval to
dispersal park or temporarily home garage a vehicle in accordance with the procedures outlined in this section.
No single dispersal-parking period shall exceed seven consecutive calendar days. Any continuation of the
authorization will require a new request. No employee may dispersal park or temporary home garage in an
excess of 60 days, within any 12 consecutive months.
Note: Employees who utilize a Special Parking Authorization due to stand by status or being subject to
emergency call outs shall submit a Home-Garaging Vehicle Log, Form 11.35.00, to document usage. A copy of
the Special Parking Authorization Form shall be attached to the vehicle log. In the upper left hand corner of the
Home-Garaging Vehicle Log, Form 11.35.00, is a box “Vehicle Authority Code,” the letters “SPA” will be
written to identify the log as a Special Parking Authorization attachment. The log will not be required for
emergency situations.
Messages : 71
Date d'inscription : 27/08/2023

Volume 3 - Règles et procédures de management Empty Re: Volume 3 - Règles et procédures de management

Ven 1 Sep 2023 - 11:43
614.10 BASIC UNIFORM REQUIREMENTS. The items named in this section shall constitute the basic
uniform for police officers who are eligible for field duty.
Note: The basic uniform shall also be worn by motorcycle officers when temporarily assigned to duties other
than two-wheeled motorcycle patrol.
Exception: Police officers ineligible for field duty shall wear the basic uniform or appropriate business attire.
The maternity uniform has been approved for pregnant officers and is outlined in Manual Section 3/640. Any
other exception shall be approved by the employee’s commanding officer.
614.20 CAP (HAT). Patrol officers, while on-duty, shall ensure that their uniform hat is serviceable and
available either at their division of assignment or in their assigned vehicle.
Exception: Officers assigned to traffic divisions shall ensure that their uniform hat is available in the passenger
compartment of their assigned vehicle and shall wear their hats when directing traffic.
The wearing of the uniform hat is mandatory for all officers:
• When an officer is working an assigned footbeat;
• When an officer is working an assignment in which the primary function is crowd control (e.g., parades,
Coliseum events, etc.);
• At inspections, ceremonies, funerals and other appropriate formal events;
• As determined by the officer in charge in those situations in which immediate recognition is necessary
for officer safety; and,
• As determined by commanding officers when circumstances are such that the wearing of the hat is
Note: Officers shall wear the Department-issued motorcycle officer's helmet when operating a two-or
three-wheel motorcycle.
614.30 SHIRT. Shall be the long sleeve uniform shirt.
614.35 BADGE. When in uniform, officers shall wear the official badge currently issued to them. The badge
shall be attached to the badge holder provided on the outermost garment and shall be clearly visible at all times.
614.40 TIE. The tie worn with the uniform shirt shall be a double windsor "reditied" knot with a bendover metal
clip allowing a "breakaway" feature when worn.
Note: The officer in charge of a detail where a civil disturbance is in progress, or where it may be reasonably
expected that one may ensue, may instruct officers under his or her command to remove their neckties.
614.45 RAIN CLOTHING. Rain clothing shall be worn during such times as officers may be exposed to
inclement weather. It shall consist of the following:
• Hood; and,
• Coat or cape.
614.50 TROUSERS.
Note: Officers assigned to two-wheeled motorcycle duty shall wear the prescribed breeches in lieu of trousers.
614.60 POLICE EQUIPMENT BELT. The Police Equipment Belt shall be worn complete with the equipment
specified in Manual Section 3/622.
614.90 SHOES. The authorized footwear shall be one of the following:
SHOES. Shall be center laced style, plain tip toe. It shall be black with a smooth finish.
BOOTS. Shall be center laced, side-laced or zipped type with a leather top material. It shall be black with a
plain tip toe. The heels shall not exceed one inch.
Note: Officers assigned to two-wheeled motorcycle duty shall wear the prescribed boots in lieu of shoes.
614.95 SOCKS. Shall be solid black or midnight blue without fancy design.
615.05 COLD WEATHER CAP. The Polartec Classic Micro Cap, black in color, may be worn by Department
personnel in Class "A" or "C" uniform in conjunction with a Department approved jacket or with the utility
uniform. The cold weather cap may not be worn while attending formal events such as, but not limited to,
recruit graduations, funerals, and award ceremonies.
615.10 OPTIONAL UNIFORM REQUIREMENTS. The Department has three classifications of duty
uniforms. They are the Class A, Class B, Class C uniforms.
The three classifications of approved Department uniforms are as follows:
• Class A uniform – long sleeve shirt with banded collar and tie;
• Class B uniform (optional) – long sleeve shirt with sport collar (lay flat style) and no tie, with a white
crew or white V-neck, or a black crew neck T-shirt; or,
• Class C uniform (optional) – short sleeve shirt with sport collar and no tie, with white crew or white V-
neck T-shirt.
Note: A black t-shirt with a round crew neck collar is only authorized for use with the Class C uniform by
members of Metropolitan Division Mounted Platoon. At no time shall the use of a black crew neck T-shirt be
authorized for use by any other Department personnel when in the Class C uniform.
Officers shall wear the Class A uniform, with long sleeves, a tie, and a cap, for special events or when the
Area/divisional commanding officer deems it appropriate.
Note: Officers may wear a uniform manufactured from the optional summer-weight or winter-weight material.
617.10 AIR SUPPORT DIVISION UNIFORM REQUIREMENTS. The flying uniform for officers assigned
to Air Support Division shall consist of:
• The green flight suit, as described in Sections 1D3 and 1D4 of the Uniform and Personal Equipment
Specifications Manual, with Air Support Division emblems, as described in Section 1D5. Officers of the
ranks of sergeant and above shall wear the prescribed rank insignia;
• Cap or, when airborne, helicopter helmet; and,
• Regulation boots.
Officers shall wear the flying uniform only when engaged in flying duties, or when performing related duties at
the airport.
Exception: When directed by the Commanding Officer, Air Support Division, the basic uniform (Manual
Section 3/614.) with Air Support Division emblems shall be worn.
618.10 OFFICE WEAR. Officers engaged in uniformed work indoors may be exempted by their commanding
officer from the provisions of all or part of the requirements of Manual Sections 3/614 and 3/621. However,
officers on such indoors duty shall have the required equipment available for immediate use. Uniformed officers
detailed to station or office duty wherein the Police Equipment Belt is not worn shall wear the prescribed
trousers belt.
619.10 UNIFORM REQUIREMENTS. The following uniforms are authorized for the use by on-duty
Jumpsuit Uniform. A two-piece flame and acid retardant, navy blue uniform consisting of a jacket and
matching pants. Specifications for the navy blue jumpsuit are described in Section I-I31.1 and I-I31.2 of the
Uniform and Personal Equipment Specifications Manual.
Utility Uniform A black, two piece uniform consisting of a shirt and matching pants. Specifications for the
black two-piece utility uniform are described in Section I-F1.1 to 3.1 of the Uniform and Personal Equipment
Specifications Manual.
619.20 UNIFORM - AUTHORIZED USE. On-duty personnel authorized to use the jumpsuit/utility uniform
are specified in the Uniform and Personal Equipment Specifications Manual.
All other sworn personnel may purchase jumpsuits/utility uniforms as optional equipment, but may wear them
only under the following conditions:
• During an unusual occurrence, with the approval of the field commander;
• During a search or vehicle inspection, which may result in soiled or damaged uniforms or clothing, with
the approval of a supervisor; or,
• On an “as needed” basis, with approval of their bureau commanding officer.
Note: Jumpsuits/Utility uniforms shall be removed and employees shall return to the standard uniform or
working attire immediately upon the termination of the unusual occurrence or incident that required the
jumpsuit/utility uniform.
620.10 FATIGUE UNIFORM REQUIREMENTS. The items named in this section shall constitute the fatigue
uniform. It shall be worn, at the direction of the commanding officer, when approved by the concerned bureau
commanding officer, by those officers whose principal duties make the wearing of the service uniform
Note: Specific exemptions from wearing the official cap, shoes, and socks may be made by the division
commanding officers.
620.30 SHIRT.
620.31 SHORT - SLEEVE SHIRT. The fatigue short sleeve shirt may be worn in accordance with the
applicable provisions of Manual Section 3/615.10.
620.35 BADGE.
620.50 TROUSERS.
620.60 SHOES.
620.70 SOCKS.
621.10 REQUIRED EQUIPMENT - UNIFORMED OFFICERS. In addition to the basic uniform (Manual
Section 3/614), officers assigned to uniformed field duty, a geographic Area front desk, or traffic division front
desk-related duties, shall carry the following equipment:
• Baton. Officers using motorized equipment while on-duty shall carry their batons in a manner authorized
by their commanding officer. The carrying of the baton by officers assigned to intersection traffic control
shall be at the option of their commanding officer;
• Electronic Control Device (TASER). The authorized Electronic Control device shall be carried in a
department approved holster that is on the support side of the duty belt in either a cross draw or support
side draw position;
• Hobble Restraint Device. Exception for motorcycle officers, the hobble restraint device shall be carried
on the key ring holder of the officer's equipment belt, in either sap pocket of the uniform trouser or in a
Department approved carrying case. Motorcycle officers shall carry the hobble restraint device in a
uniform pants pocket, or in a Department approved carrying case;
• General Duty Helmets. Uniformed officers while assigned in vehicles shall keep their general duty
helmets in their helmet bags and stored in the vehicle's trunk. All other uniformed officers shall keep
their helmets at locations convenient to their assignment. Officers shall store their helmets in their station
lockers when off-duty or on plainclothes assignments;
• Traffic Citation Books. Both Traffic Notice to Appear and absentee citation books shall be carried;
• Flashlight. A flashlight shall be carried during the hours of darkness;
• Handheld Radio;
• Field Officer's Notebook;
• Pen or Pencil;
• Street Guide Book;
• Handcuff Key;
• Whistle; and,
• Personal Protective Equipment Kit (Fire/Communicable Disease PPE Kit) consisting of work
gloves, nitrile gloves, goggles, and a N95 respirator mask.
Note: On-duty officers working a regular work shift and officers working “Cash Overtime Allotment for
Scheduling and Timekeeping” (COAST) details, should have their Fire/Communicable Disease PPE Kit and
General Duty Helmet readily available as part of their required patrol equipment, in the event they are needed
for an unusual occurrence.
621.20 OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT -UNIFORMED OFFICERS. In addition to the equipment required
(Manual Sections 3/614 and 3/621.10) the following items may be carried as the individual officer may desire:
• Disposable plastic handcuffs; and,
• Kubaton (sworn and civilian jail personnel only).
Sworn personnel may carry a knife with a blade length no longer than four inches. A knife or
utility tool may be carried, concealed or with only the clip present, when properly secured on
the officer's person or on the duty belt inside a smooth black top-grain cowhide leather or
comparable material case with a flap closure.
Note: A brown leather case may be utilized by officers assigned to plainclothes details. Officers assigned to
specialized units may carry knives with longer blades and/or use other options for carrying a knife, when
approved by their commanding officers for operational necessity.
622. POLICE EQUIPMENT BELT - TYPE. The following equipment belts are authorized by the
• Police Equipment Belt̶ Sam Browne Type. The Sam Browne type police equipment belt shall
remain the authorized equipment belt for the Department and shall be issued to new sworn personnel.
• Police equipment Belt̶ Velcro Type. The use of the Velcro type equipment belt is optional and may
be worn in lieu of the Sam Browne equipment belt.
Note: A nylon equipment belt (or its accessories) is not approved for Class A, B or C uniforms
622.10 POLICE EQUIPMENT BELT - REQUIRED EQUIPMENT. The following equipment shall be worn
with the Police Equipment Belt.
• FIREARM HOLSTER. The holster shall be worn on the side for which it was designed. The
appropriate, Department approved firearm shall be carried in the holster.
• FIREARM CARTRIDGE CASE. The cartridge case shall be worn on the side opposite the holster and
shall be centered on the belt between the belt buckle and the baton holder. Reserve ammunition shall be
carried in a cartridge case.
• ELECTRONIC CONTROL DEVICE HOLSTER. The authorized Electronic Control Device shall be
carried in a Department approved holster that is on the support side of the duty belt in either a cross draw
or support side draw position.
BATON HOLDERS. Baton holders shall be worn on the belt in front of, and directly adjacent to, the key
holder. The baton is carried in the baton holder ring or case.
622.45 BATON - TYPE. Uniformed officers and officers assigned to plainclothes assignments are authorized to
carry and use the following batons:
• 24-inch side handle baton; or,
• Expandable Side Handle baton; or,
• Collapsible Baton.
622.50 KEY HOLDER AND KEY RING. The key holder is worn on the side opposite the firearm holster
approximately equidistant between the handcuff and firearm cartridge cases. A key ring shall be carried on the
key holder. A whistle and handcuff key shall be carried on the ring. No more than two other keys may be carried
on the key holder.
Exception: Officers assigned to traffic details who are required to wear a key chain may carry the whistle on the
key chain.
622.55 CHEMICAL IRRITANT CONTROL DEVICE. Uniformed field personnel shall carry the device in
its holster on the equipment belt between the ammunition case and the baton holder.
622.60 HANDCUFF CASE. The handcuff case shall be worn centered over the hip pocket on the side opposite
the holster. Regulation handcuffs shall be carried in the handcuff case.
622.70 ADDITIONAL HANDCUFF CASE. An additional handcuff case may be worn by uniformed officers
and shall be worn centered over the hip pocket on the same side as the holster.
622.80 TROUSERS BELT. The prescribed trousers belt shall be worn under the Police Equipment Belt. It shall
be adjusted so that no part other than the top edge is visible.
622.90 ELECTRONIC CONTROL DEVICE. The authorized Electronic Control Device shall be carried in a
Department approved holster that is on the support side of the duty belt in either a cross draw or support side
draw position.
624.10 JACKET. The nylon waist-length field jacket, as described in Section 1A2 of the Uniform and Personal
Equipment Specifications Manual shall be worn by uniformed officers when seasonal conditions require. No
other jacket is authorized to be worn.
When officers choose to wear the field jacket, it shall be worn with either the long-sleeve shirt or optional
short-sleeve shirt.
Exception: Officers assigned to two-wheel motorcycle duty are authorized to wear the leather field jacket.
624.20 MOUNTED HORSE DETAIL UNIFORM. The mounted horse detail uniform has been approved for
officers assigned to the Mounted Platoon, Metropolitan Division. The uniform shall meet the specifications as
prescribed in the Department Uniform and Personal Equipment Specifications Manual.
Patrol uniform has been approved for officers assigned to the Beach Detail or to Bicycle Patrol. The uniform
shall meet the specifications as prescribed in the Department Uniform and Personal Equipment Specifications
626.10 SCARF. A navy-blue scarf may be worn only with the field jacket or the Air Support Division flying
626.20 KEY CHAIN. Only officers assigned to traffic detail shall wear the key chain. The purpose for the key
chain is to extend the traffic whistle. The key chain and whistle shall be suspended from the right shoulder
626.30 TIE BAR. All uniformed officers shall wear the prescribed tie bar. The tie bar shall be worn horizontally
and level with the bottom points of the shirt pocket flaps.
Note: The Safe Riding Tie Bar may be worn by authorized officers assigned to two-wheel motorcycle duty.
627.10 REQUIRED EQUIPMENT - PLAINCLOTHES ASSIGNMENT. Officers, while on plainclothes
assignment, shall carry the following equipment:
• Ammunition;
• Department badge;
• Department identification card;
• Handcuffs and key;
• Pen or Pencil; and,
• Department approved firearm.
Exception: Officers detailed to an undercover assignment wherein it is necessary to conceal their identity as
officers may be excused by their commanding officers from the provisions of all or part of this section.
627.20 OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT - PLAINCLOTHES ASSIGNMENT. Officers, while on plainclothes
assignment, may carry the following additional items of equipment:
• Hobble Restraint Device;
• Disposable plastic handcuffs; and,
• Eighteen inch side-handled baton.
Note: Prior to carrying the eighteen inch side-handled baton, officers shall complete an in-service training
course which specifically covers its use.
• Collapsible baton;
• Chemical Irritant Control Device;
• Flashlight; and,
• Street Guide book.
Sworn personnel may carry a knife with a blade length no longer than four inches. A knife or utility tool may
be carried, concealed or with only the clip present, when properly secured on the officer's person or on the duty
belt inside a smooth black top-grain cowhide leather or comparable material case with a flap closure.
Note: A brown leather case may be utilized by officers assigned to plainclothes details. Officers assigned to
specialized units may carry knives with longer blades and/or use other options for carrying a knife, when
approved by their commanding officers for operational necessity.
627.30 RAID JACKETS. The Department issued raid jackets shall only be worn by on-duty officers while
serving search and arrest warrants and in those situations where the identification of the officer would be
desirable. When a discreet approach is warranted, the wearing of the raid jacket may be waived by the
commanding officer or section officer in charge of the operation. Use of the jacket is limited to on-duty
plainclothes officers.
Raid jackets are strictly for identifying undercover or plainclothes officers during tactical situations and shall not
be worn as a quasi-uniform. Specialized uniforms or other garments depicting Department affiliation, not
approved by the Uniform and Equipment Committee, are not authorized and shall not be worn.
Note: Department raid jackets or pants made of denim material do not constitute proper busin
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Ven 1 Sep 2023 - 11:44
Commanding Officer's Responsibilities. The commanding officer of an employee who receives written orders
to report for military duty must:
• Ensure the employee is served with the Accumulated Vacation Time Compensation Notice;
• Ensure the completed and signed original Notice is forwarded to Personnel Division to be filed in the
employee's Departmental Personnel Package;
• Ensure a copy of the Notice is given to the employee for payment request through FG; and,
• Ensure an additional copy of the Notice is filed in the employee's Division Employee Folder.
Personnel Division's Responsibilities. Personnel Division will verify that the employee has been served with
the Accumulated Vacation Time Compensation Notice by his/her commanding officer upon receiving
documentation for military leave of absence.
Note: If the employee does not provide a signed copy of the Notice, the Commanding Officer, Personnel
Division, must ensure that the employee is served with the Notice.
Military Liaison Officer's Responsibilities. If the Military Liaison Officer, Personnel Division, becomes
aware of an employee preparing for, or currently serving on military duty, has not been served with the
Accumulated Vacation Time Compensation Notice, the Military Liaison Officer must:
• Serve the concerned employee with the Notice;
• Forward the original Notice to Personnel Division to be filed in the employee's Departmental Personnel
• Forward a copy of the Notice to FG for payment; and,
• Forward an additional copy to the employee's assigned division to be filed in the employee's Division
Employee Folder.
An employee on military leave may not be paid for regular days off or compensatory overtime accumulated
prior to the date of call to active duty. (2) However, commanding officer of an employee anticipating a call to
military service may make arrangements permitting such employee to use accumulated regular and
compensatory days off in advance of the actual date of call to active military service.
[(1) Opinion of the City Attorney, August 11, 1941.]
[(2) Opinion of the City Attorney, August 11, 1941.]
733.10 REHIRING OF RETIRED POLICE OFFICERS. A qualified retired Los Angeles police officer may,
with the approval of the Chief of Police, be returned to active duty or may, at the request of the Chief of Police,
be recalled to active duty. A vacancy must exist in the rank to which the retired officer is being returned or
Return to Active Duty. To be eligible for return to active duty, a retired officer shall:
• Have retired on the basis of service rather than disability;
• Be less than fifty-five years of age;
• Have been retired for not longer than three years on the date of application for return to active duty;
• Have been a sergeant, detective, or police officer on the date of his/her retirement;
• Have passed a medical examination within thirty days prior to his/her retirement;
• Have made written application to the Chief of Police for return to active duty;
• Have certified that he/she has read and understands the applicable provisions of the City Charter; and,
• Have passed a medical examination subsequent to filing his application.
Recall to Active Duty. The Chief of Police may recall to active duty an eligible retired officer who voluntarily
consents to such recall. To be eligible for recall, a retired officer shall:
• Have retired on the basis of service rather than disability;
• Have held a rank no higher than deputy chief on the date of retirement; and,
• Have certified that he/she has read and understands the applicable provisions of the City Charter.
733.20 APPROVAL TO CARRY CONCEALED FIREARM. Department Manual Sections 2/092.61 and
3/733.20, Los Angeles Municipal Code Sections 52.29 and 52.30, and California Penal Code (PC) Sections
16360, 16690, 25450-25475, 26300-26325, and 25900, delineate the issuance of a Carry Concealed Weapon
(CCW) endorsed retired police identification card for honorably retired full-time paid police officers and
honorably separated Level I reserve police officers.
Honorably Retired Full-Time Officers. California PC Section 25455 mandates that the Department shall issue
an identification certificate to all full-time paid peace officers that have been honorably retired from the
Department. It also mandates that the Department place an endorsement on the identification certificate, stating
that the agency approves the officer's carrying of a concealed weapon.
As used in the California Penal Code Sections 16690 and 25900, the term "honorably retired" includes all peace
officers who have qualified for, and have accepted, a service or disability retirement.
To be considered "honorably retired," an officer must have a minimum of 20 years of service to retire, with no
age requirement for Tiers 2 and 4. For Tier 3, an officer must have 10 years of service and be 50 years old. For
Tier 5 and 6, an officer must have 20 years of service and be 50 years old. Any officer who does not meet any
of the Tier retirement qualifications is considered "resigned" and is not entitled to any retired police
identification card according to applicable state laws. However, in Tier 3, 5 and Tier 6 if an officer leaves after
having met the service requirement of their retirement tier but is not at age 50 and decides to defer his/her
retirement, the officer can petition the Department when he/she reach age 50 and apply for a CCW endorsed
retired police identification card.
The term "honorably retired" does not include an officer who has agreed to a service retirement in lieu of
termination. In addition, no peace officer that retired because of a psychological disability shall be issued an
endorsement to carry a concealed and loaded firearm.
Honorably Separated Reserve Officers. To be considered “honorably separated,” a reserve police officer
must have completed a minimum of 20 years of service as a Level I reserve police officer. Service as a line
reserve officer prior to January 1, 1997 will count towards the 20-year accrual period. Any reserve police
officer who does not meet the honorably separated qualifications is considered merely “separated” and is not
entitled to any retired reserve police officer identification certificate. If an identification certificate is issued, the
Department must place an endorsement on the identification certificate for honorably separated Level I reserve
police officers who were authorized to, and did, carry a firearm during the course and scope of their appointment
as a peace officer. The endorsement must state that the agency approves of the officer’s carrying of a concealed

Employee Requesting. When an employee requests an administrative transfer, the employee will meet with
his/her commanding officer, discuss the reason for the request and complete an Employee’s Report, Form
15.07.00. The Form 15.07.00 must include the employee’s reason for the request and the specific relief the
employee is requesting. If the employee’s commanding officer disapproves the request and the employee still
believes it is necessary, the employee may forward a copy of the 15.07.00 with a statement documenting the
date of the commanding officer’s disapproval to Employee Relations Group (ERG) for consideration.
Commanding Officer Requesting a Transfer of an Employee. When a commanding officer determines that
an administrative transfer is appropriate, the commanding officer must complete an Intradepartmental
Correspondence, Form 15.02.00, to the Commanding Officer, Personnel Division, requesting the transfer. The
request must include approval signature blocks for the employee’s chain of command up to the bureau
commanding officer or equivalent.
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Ven 1 Sep 2023 - 11:45
Interdivisional. A temporary loan of an officer to a division other than his/her regular division of assignment
may be made by mutual agreement of the concerned bureau commanding officers or the concerned Area or
division commanding officers within the same bureau. A temporary loan normally shall not exceed one
deployment period. A commanding officer may request the extension of a temporary loan of an officer from
another division for one additional deployment period by completing an Intradepartmental Correspondence,
Form 15.02.00. The Form 15.02.00 shall be forwarded through channels to the Director, Office of Support
Services, to arrive by the third calendar day of the new deployment period. When it is anticipated that a
temporary loan assignment may exceed two deployment periods, the requesting commanding officer shall:
• Initiate a Request for Transfer and/or Change in Paygrade, Form 01.40.00, and forward it to the
Commanding Officer, Personnel Division; or;
• Initiate a request for substitute authority for the position being filled.
When no vacancy exists at the appropriate paygrade level and substitute authority is denied, the officer shall be
returned to his/her regular division of assignment.
Exception: The Director, Office of Support Services, may approve a temporary loan in excess of two
deployment periods when the loan involves an intrabureau assignment.
Intradivisional. When an officer is temporarily assigned within his/her division to a position outside of his/her
regular job classification for a period in excess of one deployment period, the concerned commanding officer
shall notify the Sworn Personnel Services Section, Personnel Division. This notification shall be made on an
Intradepartmental Correspondence, Form 15.02.00, and shall be submitted by the third calendar day of the
deployment period. The commanding officer shall indicate that the assignment is temporary and shall estimate
the proposed duration of the assignment.
Emergency Assistance. These provisions shall not restrict any officer from assisting, defending, or protecting
other officers who need help of an emergency nature while in the performance of their duties.
762.93 ASSIGNMENT OF PREGNANT EMPLOYEES. When an employee experiences symptoms of
pregnancy, she shall consult her physician. Upon confirmation that she is pregnant, she shall submit to her
commanding officer a written statement from her physician, which shall include the following information:
• Verification of the employee's pregnant condition.
• The physician's recommendation as to the proper duty assignment for the employee which should
include one of the following:
• Immediate assignment to sedentary duties.
• Continued assignment in present duties until the employee's condition necessitates assignment to
sedentary duties.
• Immediate assignment to off-duty status.
Note: The employee may elect to take a maternity leave of absence (Manual Section 3/730.30) or use
accumulated sick leave benefits, including 100 percent, 75 percent, and 50 percent paid sick leave time, for that
period of time during which she is certified by a physician as unable to work. Accumulated vacation time may
be used in conjunction with, or in lieu of, sick time. Sick leave will not be granted, however, after an employee
has elected to take a maternity leave of absence and has begun such leave.
The concerned commanding officer shall comply with the recommendation of the physician and, when
appropriate, reassign the employee.
Note: If a commanding officer desires verification of the recommendation, he or she shall assign the employee
to sedentary duties and forward to the Commanding Officer, Personnel Division, an Intradepartmental
Correspondence, Form 15.02.00, requesting that the employee be examined by a City physician. The employee
shall submit to such examination. The City physician's recommendation will then be forwarded to the
Commanding Officer, Personnel Division, who shall forward it to the concerned commanding officer. The
concerned commanding officer shall evaluate the recommendation and then determine the appropriate
assignment of the employee.
When the wearing of a uniform is no longer practical, the concerned employee shall be reassigned to
non-uniformed duty and permitted to dress in appropriate civilian attire.
employee, shall not be assigned to duties of a police nature.
If an urgent condition exists and a female officer is not immediately available, a female civilian employee may:
• Temporarily act as an observer during the care or detention of a female.
• Act as a witness during the photographing of a female crime

qualify for advanced paygrade assignments are indicated below. All requirements, including any specified
minimum period of service, must be met at the time of application to an advanced paygrade assignment.
Police Officer II. A Police Officer I who completes one and one-half years of service must be automatically
advanced. Police Officer II is not considered an advanced paygrade position.
Note: Police Officer II status does not signify tenure with the Department.
Police Officer III. Sworn personnel of the rank of Police Officer II are eligible for advancement Police Officer
III (PO III), if they have:
• Successfully completed the probationary period for the rank of Police Officer or Police Specialist; and,
• Completed 26 deployment periods in an eligible Los Angeles Police Department geographic field
(patrol), Transit Bus/Rail patrol, and/or traffic assignment AND meet at least one of the following:
o Possess an Intermediate or Advanced California Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST)
Certificate and completed three (3) years full-time, paid law enforcement experience as a peace
officer with a POST-participating agency; OR,
o Possess a Basic California POST Certificate and completed five (5) years full-time, paid law
enforcement experience as a peace officer with a POST-participating agency.
Note: Police Specialists are ineligible for advancement to the rank and paygrade of PO III until they receive a
Los Angeles City Charter, Volume II, Article X, Civil Service, Section 1014 transfer to the classification of
Police Officer and meet the existing eligibility requirements for PO III.
Police Sergeant II. Sworn personnel who have one year of experience as a Police Sergeant I are eligible for
advancement to Police Sergeant II.
Police Detective II. Sworn personnel who have one year of experience as a Police Detective I are eligible for
advancement to Police Detective II.
Police Detective III. The following sworn personnel are eligible for consideration for advancement to Police
Detective III:
• Sworn personnel who have one year of experience as a Police Detective II; or,
• Sworn personnel who have one year of experience as a Police Detective and one year of experience as a
Police Sergeant.
Note: Commanding officers are reminded that additional time may be required to obtain approval of the General
Manager, Personnel Department, to process reversions between civil service classifications in accordance with
Charter Section 1014. Employees wishing to revert must complete a Request for Transfer, Reversion or Class
Change Under Charter Sec. 1014, Form General 16-B, along with the Transfer and/or Change in Paygrade,
Form 1.40.00. Both forms must be submitted through channels, to Personnel Division.
Police Lieutenant II. Sworn personnel who have one year of experience as a Police Lieutenant I are eligible for
advancement to Police Lieutenant II.
Police Captain II and Police Captain III. Sworn personnel who have one year of experience as a Police
Captain I are eligible for advancement to either Police Captain II or Police Captain III.
addition to existing requirements, the following training requirements shall be met to qualify for advanced
paygrade assignments within the rank of Detective.
• Detective II. Department personnel will not be eligible for advancement to Detective II until they have
successfully completed the California Commission on peace Officer Standards and Training (POST)
certified Supervisory Course, POST No. 1850-004000.
• Detective III. Department personnel will not be eligible for advancement to Detective III until they
have successfully completed the POST certified Supervisory Co
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Ven 1 Sep 2023 - 11:45
63.40 ADVANCEMENT AND TRANSFER OPPORTUNITIES. The "Sworn Paygrade Advancement and
Transfer Opportunities" bulletin is published by Personnel Division to inform eligible officers within the ranks
of Lieutenant II and below of vacancies in advanced paygrade or coveted positions.
Commanding officers who have, or anticipate, either an advanced paygrade or coveted position vacancy within
the rank of Lieutenant II and below under their command shall notify Personnel Division as soon as they
become aware of the vacancy by forwarding a Request for Advertisement of Vacant Sworn Position, Form
15.89.00, through the chain of command to Sworn Personnel Services Section, Personnel Division. This
notification shall indicate the number of vacancies to be filled, the rank and/or paygrade position required to fill
the vacancies, the duties of the position, and any special qualifications necessary.
The Commanding Officer, Personnel Division, shall ensure that all Request for Advertisement of Vacant Sworn
Position forms are properly reviewed and approved by the Officer in Charge, Sworn Personnel Services Section,
prior to publication on a subsequent "Sworn Paygrade Advancement and Transfer Opportunities" bulletin.
Note: Anticipated vacancies should be based on transfers, retirements, or resignations that are reasonably certain
to occur within 60 days from the date of the advertisement.
To ensure that all officers are aware of vacancies in advanced paygrade or coveted positions, commanding
officers shall cause the "Sworn Paygrade Advancement and Transfer Opportunities" bulletin to be read at all roll
calls for three successive days, and then cause the bulletin to be posted in a designated, conspicuous location
on the Area/divisional bulletin board for a one-week perio

calls for three successive days, and then cause the bulletin to be posted in a designated, conspicuous location
on the Area/divisional bulletin board for a one-week period.
763.45 ADVANCEMENT TO HIGHER PAYGRADE POSITION. An officer below the rank of lieutenant
may be reassigned to a higher paygrade position when the following procedure is followed:
• The commanding officer requesting the assignment of an officer to a higher paygrade position shall
cause verification of the officer's current eligibility for advancement and cause the Request for Transfer
and/or Change in Paygrade, Form 01.40.00, to be forwarded through channels to the concerned bureau
commanding officer or Chief of Staff for approval.
Exception: When a Police Officer II is recommended for a higher paygrade position, the Form 01.40.00 shall be
forwarded through channels to the concerned group or bureau commanding officer.
• Upon approval of the recommendation, the Form 01.40.00 shall be forwarded to the Commanding
Officer, Personnel Division.
763.46 COMMAND OFFICER DEVELOPMENT. Participants in Command Officer Development, POST
No. 1850-10819, will be civilian equivalents and personnel assigned from the existing Captain Promotional List,
with the approval of the Chief of Police. Eligible personnel shall be assigned to attend all sessions of Command
Officer Development. Selection and participation in this program does not necessarily mean that all participants
will be promoted to the rank of Captain. Employees promoted to Captain must begin their Command Officer
Development training prior to, or within 12 months of assuming their new position.
positions require the successful completion of the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and
Training (POST) certified Supervisory Course, POST No. 1850-004000. Commanding officers must ensure that
such personnel do not perform any supervisory duties until training is complete.
763.48 FIELD SUPERVISOR TRAINING REQUIREMENT. All field supervisors shall complete the POST
certified Supervisory Course, POST No. 1850-00400, prior to assuming their supervisory responsibilities. The
priority of assignments is in the following order:
• 1st priority - Any officer on a current Sergeant Promotional List or,
• 2nd priority - Any sergeant that has not yet attended the Supervisory Course.
763.49 WATCH COMMANDER TRAINING REQUIREMENT. All lieutenants and sergeants who are
assigned as watch commanders shall complete Watch Commander School, POST No. 1850-10822, prior to
assuming watch commander responsibilities. The priority of assignments is in the following order:
• 1st priority - Sergeants on a current Lieutenant Promotional List;
• 2nd priority - Any lieutenant that has not yet attended Watch Commander School; or
• 3rd priority - Field supervisors, on the basis of nomination, via an Intradepartmental Correspondence,
Form 15.02.00
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Ven 1 Sep 2023 - 11:46
officer to be informed of the death of a Department employee shall forward such information to the Employee
Assistance Unit, Behavioral Science Services. During the hours that the Employee Assistance Unit is closed,
notification shall be made to the Department Command Post.
Note: When the death is that of a civilian employee, immediate notification shall be made by telephone to the
Worker's Compensation Office, Personnel Department. When this office is closed, the City Hall switchboard
operator shall be requested to transfer the call to the home of the on-call employee assigned to this office.
to the Employee Assistance Unit, Behavioral Science Services, or to the Department Command Post, concerning
the death of a Department employee may be made by teletype, telephone, or in person. The following
information shall be transmitted in such notification:
• Name and serial number of the deceased.
• Civil service title of the deceased.
• Date and time of death. The time of death shall be reported as accurately as possible particularly if death
occurred near midnight.
• Location and a brief statement of the circumstances of the death.
• Relative to be notified of the death.
an officer is killed or critically injured as a result of his/her official duties, the officer's identification shall not be
released to any person outside of the Department. All inquiries from the news media or other interested parties
shall be referred to the officer's commanding officer. The concerned commanding officer shall be responsible
for determining, subsequent to notification of the officer's next of kin, when the officer's identification shall be
notification will be made to the deceased employee's specified next of kin and all persons on the employee's
Employee Record Form, Form 01.38.00.
Responsibility of Notification. The commanding officer of the deceased employee will cause the necessary
notification to be made to the next of kin. Department personnel specified on the Employee Record Form, Form
01.38.00, will be requested to assist with the notification(s).
Note: The Employee Assistance Unit (EAU), Office of Support Services (OSS), is a Department resource that is
available to provide advice and/or assistance with notifications which follow the death of a Department
Notification to be Made in Person. A death notification by an employee of the Department must be made in
person unless physical conditions make it impracticable.
Within Other Area. If necessary, death notification information may be transmitted by telephone or teletype to
the uniformed division in the Area nearest the residence of the person to be notified; a supervisor of that division
will then arrange for personal notification to be made.
Notice concerning the death of a Department employee shall be made except when there has been a considerable
lapse of time between the death and the notification to the Department. The Death and Funeral Notice shall be
prepared by the Officer in Charge, Employee Assistance Unit, Behavioral Science Services. The Death and
Funeral Notice shall contain such information as the commanding officer believes to be appropriate.
Death of Officer in Line of Duty. When an officer is killed in the line of duty, or dies as the direct result of
injuries incurred while in the performance of his or her official duties, the teletype broadcasts shall notify
concerned personnel that the National Flag and all other flags flown at Department facilities shall be flown at
half-staff (Manual Section 3/234.90).
following offices shall be notified of the death of a Department employee by the Employee Assistance Unit,
Behavioral Science Services, or by the Department Command Post during those hours when the Employee
Assistance Unit is closed:
• Office of the Chief of Police.
• Department of Pensions or, if the deceased was a civilian employee, the All City Employees'
• Accountant's Office Fiscal Group (FG).
• Personnel Records Unit, Personnel Division.
797.80 DEATH OF OFFICER-POLICE MEMORIAL INSCRIPTION. When an officer dies as the direct
result of injuries incurred while in the performance of an activity directly related to fulfilling the primary
objectives of the Department, the Employee Assistance Unit shall review the circumstances of the death to
determine whether or not the officer was killed in the line of duty. The Employee Assistance Unit shall th
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